Friday, October 18, 2024

A Hush at Midnight by Marlene M. Bell Blog Tour and Book Review


Where are all the cozy mystery readers? This one’s for you!

Laura finds herself heading to Texas at the invitation of her parents. This situation works out for her as she is not getting along with her siblings. She is also reunited with Hattie, who was like a grandmother to Laura and someone she has missed. The interesting thing – they communicated by writing letters! This is something that has gone by the wayside these days. I always thought it was fun (and still do) getting handwritten notes in the mail.

We are also introduced to Hattie’s care person, Nicole, and her mother, Edith. They are the colorful characters in this tale, based on their personalities.

We meet Jordan who has a story of his own. Hattie was a kind, caring person and helped him out.

We meet Brent, the good-looking lawyer. Every story needs a good-looking lawyer.

We meet Detective Adams. We meet Laura’s dad, Zane. And Connie. And Duska. And Moon Pie, a cute corgi, who adds to this tale.

Laura is what I would call an amateur sleuth. She wasn’t happy with the way the detectives were handling the cases they were handed so she decided to investigate on her own, much to the detectives’ dismay and admonishments. She gets herself into all kinds of trouble along the way, when she only wanted to help, not cause harm.

While cozy mysteries aren’t my normal type of book to read, I did enjoy reading about Laura’s misadventures and her persistence. I like the fact that she found out what she was made of, her inner strength, her never-give-up attitude until she found the answers she was looking for. And maybe even a bit more.


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Sunday, October 13, 2024

The House Next Door by Darcy Coates Book Review

What a cool read for the Halloween season!

The premise of this story is Josephine (Jo) living next door to the Marwick House, which was supposedly haunted. All Jo really knew was the neighbors closed their blinds on the sides of their homes so they couldn’t see Marwick House, as well as the fact that none of the families who moved in stayed for very long. In fact, the last family living there left in the middle of the night, leaving all their belongings, never to return. Then, Anna moved in.

Being somewhat of a loner, but also being curious, Jo met Anna and they became friends, of sorts. Jo also has a cousin, Lukas, who stops in occasionally just to make sure things were okay with Jo. I had a suspicion there was more to Jo’s story as to why she was alone but that was left a mystery. Lukas also met Anna; yes, there’s more there.

And let’s not forget Helen.

What I really liked about this tale was the description of Helen when she showed up and the backstory surrounding her. I liked the descriptions of the noises that Jo, especially, would hear when she was in Marwick House. I liked the darkness that surrounded Marwick House and the descriptions of how just being in its presence would affect different people. If you like a good ghost story, pick this one up.

Rain by H.N. Hirsch Book Review


I found myself relating more to Marcus in this tale. After all, he was the one who introduced Kenny, one of his students, to Bob, his partner, who happened to be a lawyer.

The premise of this tale is Kenny finding himself in all kinds of legal trouble and not knowing what to do. Bob, though exceptionally busy in his practice, decided to take on Kenny’s case. However, the more he talked to Kenny the more frustrated he got with him. Kenny, as it turns out, didn’t tell Bob everything … naturally, when Bob found out, he’d question Kenny further who still told him half-truths, if that. There was so much more to Kenny than I was expecting. I liked the realism that was portrayed with Kenny not being one hundred percent truthful.

What I really enjoyed about this tale was the courtroom scene near the end of the book. The back-and-forth trying to figure out what happened to the victim, Cathy. And then the verdict, and then the even bigger twist right at the end. That’s what really got my attention, that last final twist.


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Idaho Fall by D.J. Maughan - New Release and Book Review


Help me congratulate D.J. Maughan on his new book – Idaho Fall. Here’s the blurb:

An entrepreneur with a startup valued at one billion falls from a balcony on the eve of the company going public. Was it an accident? Or was she pushed?

Rita Burch is a rising star. The founder of a huge clothing brand, she is on the brink of financial nirvana. Her company is set to go public with a valuation of over one billion dollars when her body is found broken and unconscious, a victim of an apparent accident. Comatose, and fighting for her life, determined to wake, she learns she can leave her body.

Following the detectives as they investigate her accident, probing for clues, Rita learns disturbing details about herself and others.

Shocked by her life, she faces a dilemma. Even if she could, would she want to live?


My Review:

I like having the opportunity to read books by new-to-me authors, so when the opportunity to read this one arose, I jumped at it. I was not disappointed. I could’ve easily read this one in a day, time permitting.

As the blurb suggests, Rita has a terrible accident and finds she can leave her body. This definitely adds a ‘paranormal’ aspect to her story, but it was intriguing to me that she could actually do this, focus on a certain person, and then ‘be there’ in an instant. She discovers what people think of her and has to take a close look at herself, even comatose, and was surprised at what she discovered. The biggest questions – who pushed her and why. You’ll have to read the book to find out the answers.

I liked the writing style, the short chapters, the pacing which was quick and kept me turning pages. I really enjoyed Hank and Joyce, the detectives assigned to Rita’s case. I liked their relationship. Joyce is the seasoned detective of the two of them; she seems to have a way of seeing a scene and picking up on the mildest of clues. She seemed to be stuck on one particular but odd question. She got her answer, though, and some pretty quizzical looks … the question was so bizarre and seemed misplaced in an investigation.

If you’re looking for a new author who lets his imagination take over, give this one a try. A bit of paranormal, for lack of a better word, sure, but what would you do if you could float around at will?


Specters in the Glass House by Jamie Jo Wright - New Release


Help me congratulate Jaime on her new book - Specters in the Glass House. Here’s the blurb:

An ominous butterfly house. A sinister legacy. An untraceable killer.

In 1921, Marian Arnold, the heiress to a brewing baron's empire, seeks solace in the glass butterfly house on her family's Wisconsin estate as Prohibition and the deaths of her parents cast a long shadow over her shrinking world. When Marian's sanctuary is invaded by nightmarish visions, she grapples with the line between hallucinations of things to come and malevolent forces at play in the present. With dead butterflies as the killer's ominous signature, murders unfold at a steady pace. Marian, fearful she might be next, enlists the help of her childhood friend Felix, a war veteran with his own haunted past.

In the present day, researcher Remy Shaw becomes entangled in an elderly biographer's quest to uncover the truth behind Marian Arnold's mysterious life and the unsolved murders linked to an infamous serial killer. Joined by Marian's great-great-grandson, can Remy expose the evil that lurks beneath broken wings? Or will the dark legacy surrounding the manor and its glass house destroy yet another generation?

Friday, September 27, 2024

Lethal Standoff by DiAnn Mills Blog Tour and Book Review


I had the opportunity to grab a copy of this book to read and I am so glad I did! If I had the time, I’m sure I would have devoured these pages in one sitting.

I enjoyed ‘meeting’ Carrington (a trained negotiator) and Levi (an investigative journalist). In the beginning, they were both called to a scene and weren’t surprised the other was there, considering they’d worked together before. They each held a silent respect for each other and their individual jobs. Case closed. They thought they’d go their separate ways when another situation required their attention … a bigger situation. This situation involved a couple of prominent families in Victoria, Texas, and it threw Carrington and Levi together once again.

There are quite a few backstories throughout these pages as well. There is the story of Will (husband), Felicia (wife), and their two children (Jace and Emma). Not to mention the parents of both Will and Felicia. There are the police personnel who are involved, Sheriff Macmire especially. Boyd and Lyndie and the problems Lyndie’s own mother caused. Skip, who was assigned his first big case, but he never gave up.

I enjoyed the intersecting yet conflicting emotions the author was able to portray with words alone. Carrington carries some emotional baggage which led her to give up on her faith, if she even had any. Levi, on the other hand, maintains his faith but has his own baggage that he carries around but prays continually for a resolution. I like the attraction that these two obviously felt for one another – one too scared to give in, and the other hoping a relationship would blossom.

I also enjoyed all the smaller tidbits – well-off but dysfunctional families, grown children who are trying to be better than those who raised them, troubled wives, troubled teens, a couple of relationships that shouldn’t have lasted but did, a budding romance, and Arthur (Carrington’s dog, her faithful companion). I really enjoy this author’s writing style; I like the fact that she is able to interlace all these messy stories yet portray a feeling of hope and forgiveness. Lethal Standoff is listed as a standalone read, but I suspect Carrington and Levi may find themselves faced with another dangerous situation in the future; at least, I hope so as I’d like to read about it.


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Friday, September 13, 2024

Insensible Loss by Linda L. Richards Blog Tour and Book Review


I received a gifted copy.

I have to say this was definitely a different read, especially with the main character having no name, not even a hint of a name. It is told in a narrative form for the most part, encompassing this nameless character’s search for what … she wasn’t exactly sure. At least that’s the sense I got from her story.

Seemingly, this character (whom I am going to call Arizona as that is where most of the story unfolds) has a brutal job of sorts. It’s not a nice job, but it’s one she accepts. Arizona also has a dog … and like Arizona, the dog has no name, but the dog is her constant companion. The way their relationship was described also intrigued me. Arizona suffered some tragedies in life, so unbeknownst to her the dog became important to her.

She finds herself at Ocotillo Ranch where she encounters Imogen O’Brien. Imogen is quite a character, she’s colorful, she’s straightforward, she’s more than blunt, and she’s moody. I really enjoyed the banter that happened between Imogen and Arizona. It was like they knew each other, yet they didn’t. Imogen had cooked up a scheme and Arizona found herself going right along with it, even knowing somewhere deep inside it would never work. Just the mechanics of how these two women’s minds worked fascinated me, and could they pull it off?

I think what intrigued me most was Arizona’s search; she was taking a hard look at herself which is not easy to do. Ultimately, I do think she found what she was looking for, but she took the long, hard road to get there. Of course, I especially liked what Imogen did at the end, that was totally unexpected. I’m not sure what it was about this read, but I finished it in three days flat as I kept turning the pages to see what was going to happen next. If you are looking for something different, a tale that involves some soul-searching, maybe you’re doing some of your own searching, give this one a try. It’s different. Again, it’s told in a mostly narrative form. And the main character has no name. Intriguing.


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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The House Across the Lake by Riley Sager Book Review


This was certainly different. I like the way this book is divided into “Before” and “Now” sections, reminding the reader of the past and the present. I think those are essential elements in understanding Casey’s story.

Casey, undoubtedly, has a drinking issue. There’s no question about that. She also has a sense of curiosity and a pair of binoculars. There is also, obviously, a house that sits directly across from her own lake house. So, guess what she does when she has had entirely too much to drink and a lot of time on her hands during the evening hours?

Tom and Katherine – the couple who live in that house across the lake.

Her neighbor is an attractive fellow, but she wants to keep her distance. The other across-the-lake neighbor helps Casey by watching out for her and making store runs. Casey, as you may have guessed, is also a bit of a loner.

What really intrigued me about this one was the farfetchedness of what happens in the lake that separates the properties. There is a bit of a paranormal aspect to it. Kind of a situation that makes one shake their head and ask, “Really?” I liked it! I also like the added twist at the end that tied some loose ends together and certainly one I wasn’t expecting.

On The Cliffs of Foxglove Manor by Jaime Jo Wright Book Review


I am a huge fan of this author and am slowly making my way through all of her books. I’m not a big historical reader by any means, but this author has a way of pulling me into her stories. This one was no different.

Adria from 1885 directly correlates with Kailey in the present. I really enjoyed this tale of Foxglove Manor and how the past bashed into the present. The ghosts from 1885 come forward to the present day. Foxglove Manor, of today, has actually been turned into a long-term care facility, for lack of a better term, which is why Kailey is there – they hired her to be company for the residents, but Kailey has her own personal reasons for being there, along with her brother, Jude, which was an agreement to her employment. There’s a whole lot more to Kailey and Jude’s story, but you’ll have to read it for yourself.

If you like historical fiction reads, with a bit of faith thrown in for good measure, and maybe even a bit of romantic attraction, give this one a read. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak Book Review


Well, all right then. I have seen differing opinions on this book. I had to read it for myself … I waited until all the hype died down a bit. I liked it!

I liked seeing how the pictures evolved from a child’s drawings to an adult’s drawings. I liked the creepiness of this tale and how it evolved. To be fair, I wasn’t quite sure how I would feel about having drawings in a book, but I think they lent more to the creepiness, probably the intention.

I also liked the fact that Mallory learned things about herself. Being one who likes strong female characters, Mallory fits that description, at least for me. I liked the fact that even given her problems she was given a second chance to make better decisions, a better life, even if it didn’t turn out perfectly.

It is definitely on the creepy side of things, maybe even a bit farfetched, but I am looking forward to this author’s next book.


Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Diplomat's Wife by Pam Jenoff Book Review


I’ve had this particular book sitting on my shelf for quite a while. As I’ve been in a historical read frame of mind, I decided to give it a read.

During the time period of 1945, a time of war, it was unheard of for a woman to speak her mind, let alone hold a position that had any kind of power. Marta found herself in a camp, and not a nice camp. Paul found her in the most deplorable of conditions. Let’s just say they connected on a level neither one of them expected. Time passed, they hadn’t seen each other after that rescue … until they did.

Fast forward to an airplane crash … the news of which devastated Marta. Enter Rachel, an unexpected surprise. Enter Simon … at the time, Marta did the only thing she could do being an unwed mother during the time.

Fast forward some more and some unexpected circumstances brought Marta full circle.

What I really liked about this book is Marta’s character. As I previously stated, back in 1945 women were meant to be quiet and when she spoke up … in front of Simon no less(!) … it really added to her inner strength, even if she was putting herself in danger. She did what she believed in, what she thought was right for her country … even at the risk of losing everything again, including her daughter, Rachel.

I also like the fact that there is a bit of a love story scattered throughout these pages, giving one a sense of hope that even if everything is seemingly lost, it may not be.

Friday, August 30, 2024

So Much Forever by Jafe Danbury New Book Release


Help me congratulate Jafe on his new book! Here’s the blurb:

Fourteen months after the rescue of their young daughter from traffickers, Curt and Phoenix Martinsen have been laser-focused on healing Rose’s inner wounds, to the exclusion of all else.

As they enter into Easter Week and their highly anticipated spring break, the couple looks forward not only to quality time with their daughter, but also seek to carve out some long-overdue time to reconnect with each other.

One last errand stands in the way of that, however, during which a chance encounter and random act of kindness immediately plunges them into an illusory world in the making long before this moment.

When Phoenix, in turn, comes face to face with a life-and-death scenario, she battles those who people this world, determined to save her family before the odds favor her no more.

In this third installment of the gripping Phoenix series, award-winning author Jafe Danbury shines a light on the myriad ways in which survivors come to grips with their ordeals and the environments in which they do it.

Friday, August 23, 2024

In The Pale Light by Westley Smith Blog Tour and Book Review


I received this book as a gift.

This author has been moved to my auto buy list, and this is only his second book. I like the way he is able to paint a picture with just words alone, as if the reader is actually there, experiencing what’s happening. That is a talent I appreciate.

In this tale, we meet Terry. I kind of felt sorry for Terry with all that he had gone through, from a terrible crime against his family, his health, a town that just wanted him to leave. Terry, though, has a strong character since he finally decided to put to rest what happened nine years ago. Little did he know the answers he would find or the trouble he would cause when he started asking questions around town.

Meet Miller and Ross, the two state police who were assigned to the cold case involving the Graham family. Miller had his own issues thrown in the mix between his ex-wife and his daughter, making for an interesting read and how he went about dealing with the issues he was faced with. I liked the fact that Miller was forced to take a hard look at his own character.

Ruby-Lee. What can I say about Ruby-Lee? She adds quite a bit of color to these pages.

If you like a tale that has a hidden meaning to its title, some good ol’ fist fights that make you feel like you’re in the fight, some shoot ‘em up scenes … give this one a read; I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

I thought I had this one figured out, but no. I didn’t.

I’m looking forward to this author’s next book.


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Friday, August 16, 2024

Royally... Yours by Nellie K. Neves New Release


Help me congratulate Nellie on her new book! Here’s the blurb:

When sparks ignite, there is more than emotion at stake.

He risks his country as he gambles with his love.

The fate of Nolcovia, a kingdom on the brink of political turmoil, rests on the shoulders of Crown Prince Leonidas Fitzborough III, and time is running out. With his father's health fading, he must marry a suitable bride to secure his succession as the new monarch. But when his mother, the queen, concocts a plan to host a reality television competition for bachelorettes to win his heart, Fitz is hesitant. How can he trust his instincts to pick the right woman when his country's future hangs in the balance?

Time is running out and his heart longs for love, but he fears it may be out of reach. Desperate for help, he turns to his oldest friend, Michaela. As an exchange student in America, they bonded years ago and have remained close ever since. But when 'Fitz' reveals his royal identity and asks for her help, Michaela is stunned. Fitz must pick a wife, and he needs Michaela to act as his royal wingman. Can she keep her emotions in check or is she destined to fall for the prince she can’t have?

As the competition begins, and Fitz starts to see Michaela in a new light, he must navigate the chaos of production crews, cameras, and television magic while trying to find his future bride. With fifteen women vying for the heart of the Crown Prince, and a political rebellion brewing in the background, the stakes are higher than ever. Will Fitz stay true to his duty, or will he risk everything for love?


Fans of royal romance and mystery will be captivated by "Royally Yours," the first book in the Nolcovian Chronicles. With its sweet romance and underlying intrigue, this book is sure to leave readers swooning. And with a PG-13 rating, it's perfect for sweet romance readers on a cozy night in, with no spicy scenes, bad language, or cheating. Don't miss out on this breathtaking read, get your copy today!


A Cold, Cold World by Elena Taylor Blog Tour and Book Review


I received this book as a gift.

I recommend reading All We Buried, the first book in this series, to get a sense of the characters, especially Bet – the new sheriff in Collier, having taken over her dad’s old position. You’ll learn her backstory and how resilient she is.

In Cold, Cold World Bet finds herself investigating at least three different crimes during … would you believe … the worst snowstorm to hit her little town of Collier. One crime just led to another which led to another which led to her knocking on doors to find answers. She definitely found answers and a couple of surprises along the way.

We are also introduced to a new character – Kane. I definitely found Kane to be an interesting addition to this series, and I am hoping he won’t disappear.

I am enjoying this series, which I would consider a police procedural series. I like Bet’s character, her inner strength, her willingness to battle the coldest snowstorm to get to the bottom of what was going on in her town. Even though Collier is a small town, the crimes are big-city types. Bet also has a pretty good team to help her – Alma (who doesn’t like Alma?), Clayton (her steady right-hand man, so to speak), Schweitzer (her dog), the townspeople, and the newest addition Kane.

Bet likes to see the good people and think the best of them, but she also understands that she cannot eliminate any one of her townsfolk as suspects. I like the fact that she is able to reference the lessons she learned from her dad and another mentor of hers, Maggie. Bet is finding her way in Collier and slowly earning the respect of her town. I’m sure she’ll find herself wrapped up in another crime or two, and it’ll be interesting to see how she puts the pieces together.


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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

In The Pale Light by Westley Smith New Release

Help me congratulate Wes on his newest release! Here’s the blurb:

When Clay Graham and his family are found slain in the parking lot of his struggling business, the police suspect Clay’s troublemaker brother, Terry. 

Terry claims he was drunk the night of the murders and passed out at home. With little evidence against Terry to make an arrest, the case soon goes cold.

Shunned from the community, harassed by locals who believe he’s a murderer, and suffering from an undiagnosed illness, Terry lives alone on his farm, punishing himself for his past indiscretions.

Then Pennsylvania State Police Trooper Henry Miller, who has ties to the town and the Graham murders, shows up with newly discovered evidence that kick-starts the case all over again.

Now, before his illness kills him, Terry sets out, battling against small-town secrets and old grudges, racing against time to stay one step ahead of both the state police and his own impending death, to finally find out what really happened to his family and hopefully prove himself an innocent man--if he is one.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Imaginary Strangers by Minka Kent Book Review


I received this book as a gift.

I knew I shouldn’t have started this book before I went to work in the morning. It had me hooked from the get-go. I would have devoured this one in a single day if I could have.

Let me tell you about Camille, the main character. She’s a mom of two, Jackson and Georgiana (or Jack-Jack and Georgie). This quiet family of four lives in San Diego in the ‘Pill Hill’ neighborhood, having moved there from Chicago. Her husband, Will, is an anesthesiologist at the local hospital, so this home was perfect for them. A safe neighborhood, schools nearby, the hospital just seven minutes away from home.

I found a lot of symbolism in this tale. I correlated Lucinda to Lucifer. I was especially intrigued by the plant Camille kept, a Venus flytrap of all things. I was even more intrigued with the story behind how Camille acquired this plant. The ending leads me to believe that there is more to Camille’s story.

This story takes on sociopathy, which I found to be put forth in a very nonjudgmental, concise way lending to the author’s research into the subject. All around, this is the kind of dark tale I enjoy reading and, I have to say, I think it is one of the best books this author has written.

Gone to Texas: A Desperate Journey by Debra Parmley Book Review


I received this book as a gift, and it has been sitting on my shelf for quite a while. I’ve wanted to read it for some time and I finally did.

This is not my normal genre, but I have to say … I really enjoyed reading about Sally and her venture to the State of Texas. The premise is Sally wakes up one morning to find her husband, Luke, and her son, Matthew, disappeared in the night. Sally is left with the farm and her daughter, Carolyn. Sally can’t read so when she finds a note left for her, she has someone read it to her. Back in 1867, the time of this tale, I suspect a lot of women can’t read so this detail added more to Sally’s character and story.

Enter Ozzie Moss, the man who led Sally and her family years ago on a different trail ride. By now, Ozzie is an old man, but he agrees, grumbling the whole time. I liked Ozzie’s character. He’s gruff and a bit weathered but a kind soul.

Enter Rob. Rob has his own story, a part of which is never falling for another woman. He’s only out to find Luke and pay him back for what he did years ago. He wasn’t expecting Sally, and Sally certainly wasn’t expecting Rob.

This is a modern-day take on a western, so if you like westerns, historical reads, a bit of a love story, second chances, some trials of what it was like back in 1867 getting from one place to another, I highly recommend you pick this one up. Again, this is not my usual genre to read, but I really enjoyed the storyline, the characters, the realness of the telling in this tale. Don’t let Sally fool you either, she’s tougher than you might think. I also liked finding out about Aunt Doe … there’s a story in itself there, which also involves Ozzie. I found this to be a really good story with quite a few colorful characters. Give it a read! I’m looking forward to the next two books in this series.

Gone to Texas: A Desperate Journey

The Secret Orphan by Glynis Peters Book Review


I am not a big history buff by any means. I decided to try this book as I was drawn to the cover and the title, wondered what it was all about. Didn’t even read the blurb, just took a chance.

I really enjoyed reading Elenor’s story. I liked the storyline that brought her to where she ended up. The premise is that her Aunt Maude requested (back in those times communication was by letter or telegram) her presence at her home in Coventry. Off Elenor went, glad to be rid of her brothers and how they treated her. That’s a story of its own.

Elenor found her place with Aunt Maude and was grateful for Maude taking her in, showing her things, letting her experience the better things in life.

Enter Jackson … a handsome fellow, a pilot.

Aunt Maude had some live-in help. Victoria and George, and their daughter Rose. Victoria and George make some good characters for this tale.

I liked reading about Elenor’s personal growth through these pages. She had to learn at a relatively early age how to take charge and manage a household, especially difficult being a woman, and a young one at that. She learned how to manage a farm as a part of her war efforts and the people whom she hired to help her. She learned how to handle people who came knocking on her door. For the time period, Elenor was a very strong woman and that is something I appreciated about reading this tale. It’s a tale of wartime, but also one of hope, one of compassion when it came to Rose and her truth, one of heartache and second chances. I would be very interested in reading more of this author’s work as she paints some colorful characters with stories to tell.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Diamond Cut by Thomas B. Cavanagh Blog Tour and Book Review


I received a gifted copy.

I’ve heard that the first sentence of a book is supposed to catch the reader’s attention. This one sure did, at least it did for me. This is the story of Sandy, formerly known in her previous life as Diamond. A life she escaped from six years ago.

I’ve found that I like strong female characters. Sandy definitely falls into that category, at least for me. She was in a really bad spot in her younger years and found her way out, not only because of a bad incident but because of her little boy. I also appreciated the fact that her brother never gave up on her no matter what bad choices she made in life.

A couple other characters who stood out to me were Father Frank and Ramona.

Of course, we have to have some bad dudes, because what story would be complete without them?

It was also quite interesting to me that this author was able to get into the mind of a female character. Sandy was scared at what she was finding out on this case she had undertaken, but she was also bullheaded enough to keep going until she had the answer, even if it meant putting everything she’d worked so hard to overcome in jeopardy. She was also able to maintain a sense of humor, which I found to be spot on. And the other women Sandy, Father Frank, and Ramona were trying to help? They add their own sense of internal strength to what happens on these pages. I have to wonder what Sandy will find herself mixed up in next.


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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Your Dark Secrets by Elle Marr New Release


Help me congratulate Elle Marr on her new book! Here’s the blurb:

Addison Stern is unparalleled when it comes to spinning a story. A ruthless PR executive, Addison is the star employee of the infamous Ovid Blackwell Group where the rich and famous go to hide all their secrets.

Connor Windell, on the other hand, is in the business of finding out information others would rather keep hidden. He used to be LA's top private investigator until a betrayal from his ex-girlfriend ruined his reputation and sent him into early retirement. That ex? None other than Addison Stern.

Connor has one chance to redeem himself and salvage his career, but he needs Addison’s help. Addison would rather lick the bottom of her Jimmy Choos than assist, but with some good old-fashioned blackmail, she agrees to team up for one job. But when that job proves bigger than either imagined and they uncover a dangerous hidden web of influence led by Hollywood's most vindictive and powerful people, they’ll have to rely on each other to expose the truth…and stay alive.

From the Vegas Strip to the beaches of Monaco, this globe-trotting adventure is filled with misplaced trust, competing motivations, and more than a little sexual tension. This gripping romantic thriller will have you up reading all night!

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Garden Girls by Jessica R. Patch Blog Tour and Book Review


I received a gifted copy.

I’m in trouble. I’m afraid I’ll have to add this author to my ever-growing go-to author list. I really enjoyed this darkly twisted tale of The Garden Girls. It hit pretty much all the ‘notes’ for me. Not to mention the very intriguing cover.

I had never heard of this author until I had the opportunity to read this tale and now I want to explore the rest of the Strange Crimes Unit series. I couldn’t even bring myself to read the back matter as that would only make me want to read the next book … now, and it’s not due out until 2025.

In The Garden Girls, you’ll find kidnapping, tattooing, grooming, lost relationships, rekindled relationships, close-knit friendships, and a group called Family of Glory.

Tiberius (Ty) is the main FBI agent in this tale and these ‘lighthouse crimes’ bring him face-to-face with his past, a past that he was ashamed of and had yet to face. Bexley (Bex) is a part of his past that he has to confront, which led him to Josiah. Not to mention his own messed-up childhood … the darkness that lurked there until he was able to see some light.

Ty’s best friend Owen. Owen was his ‘ride or die’ and he took that very seriously, they both did. I enjoyed the fact that both of these characters could call to mind a movie or a line in a song in the worst of circumstances; their personalities really shine through.

There are a lot of different characters in this tale, but that makes this story all the more intriguing. I also liked the fact that there is an underlying faith theme throughout these pages, not a lot, just enough to make Ty a more relatable character because one of the things he struggled with was the ability to believe in something higher than himself. There is also a vulnerability to some of these characters and yet an inner strength, especially concerning the women who were involved. And the bad guy? Yeah, that was a surprise. There are some nuggets interspersed leading readers down a couple of different paths, will they take the right turn in figuring out who it was? I sure didn’t.


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Only One Survives by Hannah Mary McKinnon Book Review and New Release


I received a gifted copy.

The premise of this tale is Vienna and Madison … their story is one of meeting and becoming best friends. Their friendship lasted even after they graduated from high school. They had each other’s backs. They even went on to form a duo – they called themselves EmVee. Their band grew into The Bittersweet, a quite appropriate name, until tragedy struck.

You’ll meet Isabel; Evelina and her sister, Gabi. You’ll meet Roger, the band’s agent. You’ll even meet Libby who traveled with the band as a documentarian. These folks make up such a vast rollcall of characters, each one bringing their own bit of personality to this tale. You’ll even meet Madison’s parents; they’re quite hoity-toity, but essential to this tale. And Guy … can’t forget Guy.

This is exactly the kind of book I enjoy reading for various reasons. Best friends who are like sisters until they’re not. Characters you want to root for but then not.

This is the kind of book that had me thinking – Oh, I know what’s going to happen. Nope – another plot twist. Then again – Oh, I know who did it. Nope – wrong again. I was kind of right about whodunit, but not the exact reasons.

If you’re looking for a tale that you can spend the day with, or maybe a weekend, be sure to pick this one up. I’m sure you’ll enjoy these characters as much as I did. Twisted, sometimes dark, a bit of a love interest which is always a nice touch. And those quiet background characters. I think this is this author’s best one yet!


Help me congratulate Hannah on her newest release! Here’s the blurb:

Becoming the star is easier when the rest of your band is dead…

All drummer Vienna Taylor ever wanted was to make music. If that came with fame, she’d take it—as long as her best friend, guitarist Madison Pierce, was sharing the spotlight and singing lead. And with their new all-female pop rock band gaining traction, soon everyone would hear their songs…

Except, on the way to an event, the Bittersweet’s van careens off an icy mountain road during a blizzard—leaving one member dead and another severely injured.

In order to survive the frigid night, the rest must take shelter in a nearby abandoned cabin. But Vienna’s dreams devolve into a terrifying nightmare as, one by one, her fellow band members meet a gruesome end…and Madison simply vanishes in the night.

Has Vienna’s closest friend finally decided to take center stage on her own terms?

She doesn’t want to believe it.

But guilty people run.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Show Game by Steve Anderson Blog Tour and Book Review


I received a gifted copy.

This is definitely a different take on your ‘average’ thriller/mystery. Plus, part of it is set in the city I grew up in Portland, Oregon, so mentions of different areas in Portland brought back some memories.

The premise of this story is ‘Alex’ is going after some bad folks, at least folks ‘Alex’ considers bad. The thing is, ‘Alex’ doesn’t want to hurt these folks, ‘Alex’ just wants them to make an admission and an apology. Basically – humiliation. Bringing forth the truth of what the bad guys did.

Enter news reporter Owen. Owen made a really big mistake in his career, one he’s trying to right, but when he gets assigned to this story, he has to rein himself in not to jump to conclusions … again. Then, of course, the paper he writes for is bought by Mason Snead who immediately wants to make changes and pulls Owen into his circle, for reasons Owen did not understand in the beginning. There’s more to Owen’s story.

Here's the thing … the reader will definitely be able to figure out the whodunnit in this tale, and I think that was the idea, it’s just the why that takes a while to get to and it is a really big WHY. Most intriguing is the lack of violence on the whodunnit’s part. I thought another character was somehow involved, but that turned out not to be the case.

If you like a tale that involves a vigilante who is trying to make folks take responsibility for what they did, a second-chance relationship, a mother trying to get her daughter back, and what I would consider some hometown justice, give this one a try. The classic good versus bad with a few twists thrown in.

I liked being able to connect to the City of Portland. I liked the struggle Owen had – between righting wrongs and siding with the whodunnit and not wanting to mess up again, and feeling he was wrong in what he came to believe. Mason Snead made for a pretty good character too along with his cohort, Viktoria. There’s a lot more to Viktoria’s story which was a twist I liked.


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