Friday, February 28, 2025

Serial Burn by Lynette Eason Blog Tour and Book Review

This is book 3 in the Lake City Heroes series, but I believe (at least for myself) it can be read as a standalone; however, I’d be interested in reading the rest of the series and finding out more about the main characters – Jesslyn and Nathan. They have a sizzle that exists, but neither one knows what to do about it. Nathan because he wants to respect Jesslyn’s boundaries and Jesslyn because she’s facing a past she can’t let go of.

Jesslyn is a fire marshal, in fact the new fire marshal, and is sent out to investigate some crimes that seemingly are personal. Nathan is part of the FBI team assigned to give her a helping hand. Not to mention the rest of their team. What I like about this team that has formed is they have known each other for years and have become a family, ever protective when one of their own is in trouble. They come running to the rescue, to help, to provide support.

I also liked the backstory of Jesslyn’s past and the reason behind why she became a fire marshal. There is also a backstory that involves Nathan and his past, and the relationship between Nathan and his brother, Eli. Some truths were revealed in the telling of their tale, one that Nathan was not expecting. Jesslyn also found out some truths from her Aunt Carol that she was shocked to learn.

There is also an underlying theme of holding fast to one’s faith, which is something Nathan and Jesslyn struggled with in the hard times, but they still held fast and true.

I am interested to see how Jesslyn and Nathan’s relationship develops, what happens to Eli. I also liked the author’s writing style and how she was able to capture the description of the fires she was describing, making the reader feel like they were really there experiencing it. Check out her website – it looks like there are a ton more books to read!


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Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Therens: Secrets Beneath Scar by Cyndi Brec New Release

Help me congratulate Cyndi on her new release! Here's the blurb and an excerpt:


Sixteen-year-old Callie Tresham is haunted by her parents’ brutal murder—an assassination she foresaw. As she struggles to conceal the curse of her supernatural powers, she faces a new trial, surviving public school.


When a menacing photo ignites a quest for truth, the origin of Callie’s powers exposes the threat of a sinister conspiracy. She’ll have to use every skill in her arsenal to outsmart a relentless adversary who wants her dead.


Yet, the deal grows deadlier. The threats increase, the romance grows cold, and the death toll rises. Everyone has a price or secret to exploit. Worse, she finds legends are codes revealing history’s dangerous truths.

She has two choices: conquer or die.



I’ve always thought memories shaped my future, which is not so much different than how music can affect my mood, especially when I moved my fingers across the guitar’s neck, strumming a softer note. The minor chords set a deep tone and sometimes cut through the pain, but lately, the melody echoed as strongly as the danger of my faulty visions.

Death didn’t always announce itself, but I should’ve felt or seen it coming. Yet, deciphering images of danger were as deceptive as piecing together sections of my broken past. Clarity was a skill polished by someone with experienced judgment, not a freaky seer with vision malfunctions.

If I’ve learned anything, the discrepancies between the past, present, and future are a never-ending circle. I’m stuck between who I am, who I want to be, and who I should be.


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Her First Mistake by Kaira Lockwood Book Review


Where are my series readers? Where are my readers who like small towns with big city problems? You’ll find those in The Harpring Saga series, this being book one.

That’s where Gwen finds herself after she gets a promotion at work – Harpring, the town where she grew up and was all too eager to leave. Never did she think she’d go back. The problem – her husband, Max.

So far, what I like about this series:

Gwen – finding her backbone to stand up to Max.

Sherry – Gwen’s coworker and best friend. Sometimes Gwen’s voice of reason.

Max – the ex-husband. I like his ‘bad’ attitude and am interested to see what he gets up to next.

Kal – Gwen’s long-time ago sweetheart. There is a bit of sizzle when Gwen returns.

Hattie – the investigative reporter.

Jocelyn – the owner of the company Gwen, Sherry, and Hattie work for. I think there’s more to Jocelyn than what has been revealed.

The fact that Harpring is a small town with big problems appeals to me. I am looking forward to seeing what these folks get up to next.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Not Our Daughter by Chad Zunker New Release


Help me congratulate Chad on his newest release! Here’s the blurb:

Propelled on a cross-country chase, devoted parents become desperate fugitives in a heart-racing novel of suspense by the author of Family Money and All He Has Left.

Thirteen years ago, Cole and Lisa Shipley were fostering an infant with hopes of adopting her. Overnight everything was turned upside down, when the child’s mother bled to death on their front doorstep. Her last words: He’s coming here…for her! Save her. Afraid, bewildered, and with a baby in their arms, they fled. The longer they hid, the guiltier they looked.

Now in a small Colorado town under assumed identities, they’ve been seemingly safe. But when a tip exposes them and Cole is framed for another murder, they take it on the run again, barreling across the western US―this time with a confused and resistant teenage girl awakening to a terrifying new reality. In the rearview is the relentless FBI agent who has never given up the hunt. And he’s not the only one.

Every frightening mile brings a family closer to the truth about that fateful night thirteen years ago. And to a killer who’s determined to finish what he started.


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

No Child of Mine by Nichelle Giraldes Book Review


Where are my ghostly readers, those who like a good ghost story that has been handed down from generation to generation? This one is for you!

Essie (present day) and her husband Sanjay have moved into a house, though they had no idea what this house had in store for them.

Ana and Isabel (from the past) are quite interesting ladies. Back in their day, their relationship was forbidden; thus, their families married them off to men as, I believe, they figured their relationship would slowly dwindle. And, through each of their marriages, Ana and Isabel each had an inner strength that came through loud and clear.

Not to mention the family curse that had been handed down through the generations because of a deal that was made a very long time ago. Essie, while she believed in the curse, while scared to face her fears of the slinky darkness, refused to let Sanjay be taken.

This read definitely has a dark vibe and pulls the past into the present. The way the author described the darkness and the smell Essie smelled made me feel like I could almost smell the same thing, almost feel the darkness closing in. I liked the dark vibe of this one, the way Essie faced her fears in many ways, the way she found the truth that wrapped around her own parents and this inherited, if you will, family curse. I’d be interested in reading more by this author just for the visualizations she portrays through the use of words. If anyone is a holiday-themed reader, this would be good around Halloween.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

A Long Time Gone by Joshua Moehling New Release and Book Review


Help me congratulate Josh on his newest release! Here’s the blurb:

It's time to put the past to rest…

Ben Packard was just a boy when his older brother disappeared. Ben watched him walk out the back door of their grandparents' house and into the cold night.

His brother was never seen again.

Decades later, Deputy Packard finds himself with too much time on his hands. A shooting has him on leave and under investigation, and all he can do is dwell on the past. For the first time in years, new information about his brother has surfaced that may lead them to the location of a body.

The midwinter ground is frozen solid. Worse, Packard is cut off from department resources. As he strikes out to finally uncover the truth behind his brother's disappearance, he stumbles on a separate, suspicious death. A tenuous connection exists between the two cases, and as Packard starts to dig, he meets fierce resistance from friends and foes alike who want him to stand down.

The winter is long and cold. By the end of it, Packard will risk everything to catch a killer and reveal the shocking truth about his brother.


My Review:

I was fortunate enough to get my hands on an early copy of this one which is book 3 in this author’s series which includes the main character, Ben Packard. Book one, And There He Kept Her, and book two, Where the Dead Sleep. I practically devoured A Long Time Gone in a couple of days, but another book got in the way.

Book two found Ben on admin leave and here in book three he is back on duty, just not at his regular job, which really irked Ben, especially since … well, you have to read book two to know that part. In book three, Ben finds himself involved in a situation at the courthouse that leads him down a road he wasn’t expecting to follow, but it woke up the detective part of his personality so down the road he went. This road led him down some meandering paths, which led him back to the main road.

The thing about Ben is he asks questions, and he keeps asking questions until he gets the answers he knows exist. Some of his questions irk other folks, even those who are purportedly his superiors. They just don’t like him looking too hard at things.

Ben still maintains his friendship with Thielen … they have such a dry banter sort of relationship as partners. It’s quite entertaining to read them bantering back and forth.

While I still think book one is the best in this series, book three is a close runner-up. I found myself chuckling at some of the scenes, some of the dialog the author used throughout this one. I am enjoying the fact that the author is starting to show his personality, his humor, his voice in this series. Oh, and Ben’s mom? You need to ‘meet’ her! She’s one of those moms who doesn’t hold back and tells Ben like it is, even when it comes to relationships. In this one, Ben also finds himself discovering some truths, some that he was not expecting. I can only imagine what Ben will get involved with next. Be sure to watch for books four, five, six, and seven!

Monday, February 3, 2025

Darke Deeds by Lisa Sell New Release


Help me congratulate Lisa on her newest release. Here’s the blurb:

Careful what you wish for. You might get it and regret it.

True-crime podcasters and relatives, Angie and Violet Darke, are bored. Instead of covering small crimes, they want a huge case to solve.

It lands, literally, on their doorstep.

During renovation, a grave is discovered in Angie’s pub garden. When the identity of the body is revealed it means only one thing: murder.

As the investigation unfolds, loved ones can no longer be trusted. Devastating truths are uncovered. The Darke Deeds duo’s lives are at risk.

The present is bleak. The future seems uncertain. The past is never dead and buried.

With tension and twists throughout, this first book in the Darke Deeds series is a must-read for mystery thriller lovers.


Early Termination by Cindy Goyette Blog Tour and Book Review


Casey, a probation officer.

Betz, her ex-husband.

Marcus, an ex-probation officer.

These three characters are the main ones in this tale of early termination, an appropriate title for this book.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this tale. I enjoyed the emotional roller coaster Casey found herself on when dealing with her feelings for both Betz and Marcus, Betz because he was comfortable, and Marcus because he was so good-looking. Not to mention the tension between these two men when they came face to face.

I also enjoyed reading about the proverbial pickles Casey found herself mixed up in. The author’s sense of humor shines throughout these pages, which is something I appreciated.

There is a whole cast of other characters that bring this tale to life, some on the good side, some on the bad side. I liked the short chapters and the quick pace of the story that kept me turning the pages.

I was really rooting for Casey to make a decision between these two men; the choice she made in the end was not one I was expecting, but one I can relate to, one that was extremely important. I also like the fact that there was a dog involved and the choice she had to make when it came to said dog.

I found this to be a highly entertaining read, and I am curious to find out what Casey gets herself mixed up with next. I’m sure it’ll be a hilarious adventure, dog included.


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