I had no idea what to expect with this read, but I really like the cover. Yes, I’m one of those who picks a book based on the cover and I like to discover new authors.
In short, this book involves the uncovering of a diary that
has been around for at least 700 years. Brychan, a Knight Templar, was charged
with keeping this diary safe and he was also tasked with keeping a treasure
chest safe as well. This was centuries ago.
Fast forward to the current time when Detective Sgt. Kate
Flynn was tasked with solving some crimes and, in doing so, she met Brother
Thomas. Their search for answers and the solving of these crimes led them to
Scotland. Enter some really bad folks who solely wanted the diary for other
purposes, but more importantly they wanted the treasure chest.
There is also this character Fallon. I’m not exactly sure
what he was trying to do in getting his hands on the diary and the treasure
chest, but he was also up to no good of his own.
There is quite a correlation between Brychan and Sara (a Gypsy he encountered in his ventures) and Kate and Thomas. I found the Knights Templar history a bit much for my personal taste, BUT I was intrigued with the overlapping of the past to the present. It was also interesting to me, near the end of this tale, who Kate partnered with to catch the bad guy and the motivations of the one she partnered with. I was also intrigued with how Kate started out with one frame of mind and then ended up with another, on many different levels. Definitely quite interesting to read about the Knights Templar and how they served their own form of justice, swiftly, back in those days.
Find Mr. Waldrom:
Website: https://www.gy-waldron.com/
Amazon Profile: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Gy-Waldron/author/B00JHCQNX0?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6508559.Gy_Waldron
Purchase Links:
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/twist-of-time-gy-waldron/1112641027?ean=9798869378163
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