Friday, March 7, 2025

Twist of Time by Gy Waldron Blog Tour and Book Review


I had no idea what to expect with this read, but I really like the cover. Yes, I’m one of those who picks a book based on the cover and I like to discover new authors.

In short, this book involves the uncovering of a diary that has been around for at least 700 years. Brychan, a Knight Templar, was charged with keeping this diary safe and he was also tasked with keeping a treasure chest safe as well. This was centuries ago.

Fast forward to the current time when Detective Sgt. Kate Flynn was tasked with solving some crimes and, in doing so, she met Brother Thomas. Their search for answers and the solving of these crimes led them to Scotland. Enter some really bad folks who solely wanted the diary for other purposes, but more importantly they wanted the treasure chest.

There is also this character Fallon. I’m not exactly sure what he was trying to do in getting his hands on the diary and the treasure chest, but he was also up to no good of his own.

There is quite a correlation between Brychan and Sara (a Gypsy he encountered in his ventures) and Kate and Thomas. I found the Knights Templar history a bit much for my personal taste, BUT I was intrigued with the overlapping of the past to the present. It was also interesting to me, near the end of this tale, who Kate partnered with to catch the bad guy and the motivations of the one she partnered with. I was also intrigued with how Kate started out with one frame of mind and then ended up with another, on many different levels. Definitely quite interesting to read about the Knights Templar and how they served their own form of justice, swiftly, back in those days.


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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The Curse of Misty Wayfair by Jaime Jo Wright Book Review


This book is written by one of my favorite authors. Who likes a good ghost story? Misty Wayfair is your girl if you do.

I like the way the past collides into the present and the many correlations between the two.

In this tale, the past takes place in 1908 where Thea finds herself taken in by the Mendelsohns. Mr. Mendelsohn teaches her the art of photography, but not just any photography – they go around taking pictures of those family members who have passed on. Fast forward and Thea finds herself on her own and meeting Mr. Amos in her many travels. She puts herself in a position to be of help to Mr. Amos and along the way she meets Simeon Coyle through a client of hers. There is an instant attraction … or perhaps it’s just curiosity on Thea’s part. The more she gets to know Simeon, the more she discovers some truths … some she wasn’t ready for.

Moving to the present we are introduced to Heidi who finds herself in almost the same situation, traveling back home at the request of her mother … but does her mother remember anything? Or was the letter she received simply the meanderings of an old woman? She meets and takes a liking to Connie and her family – Emma (daughter), Rhett (the good-looking son) who play an integral part in this tale.

I liked the fact that Thea and Heidi both discovered their inner strength, making them strong women in my estimation. I liked that both of them had this never-give-up attitude about them, even though they wanted to, and that they each found a comfort in the men they encountered – not that they needed the men, just that they were able to draw strength from them. And Emma? I liked her straightforwardness. I liked the fact that both of these women were able to become parts of the families, in a sense, that they were drawn to. Even Heidi and her sister Vicki’s not getting along added to this story. And Misty Wayfair – the question is: Did she really exist?

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Unstable by Alexandra Ivy Book Review


For the last couple years, I’ve been telling myself I want to get some of the older books on my Kindle list read. So far, so good, though it is a slow process.

I don’t know why I waited so long to read this particular book. It falls in the romantic suspense genre and I liked it! I liked the attraction between Zac and Rachel (Mac’s ex-wife) who had come back to town to try and find answers to one of the cold cases she was working on. They had been divorced for years, but they still carried a torch for each other. This is the kind of ‘romance’ I like to read. The tension between the two of these characters due to their attraction was just enough, stepping over that line was just enough for my particular reading preference.

I liked that there was not just one crime these two were trying to solve, the many ups and downs leading them down a path only to veer off in another direction entirely. I thought I had this one figured out, especially with one particular scene but I was totally wrong and the whodunit – totally was not expecting that. In fact, when the whodunit was revealed, I thought to myself, “Who?”

This is book three in the Pike, Wisconsin, series. I had no idea this was a series, but it can definitely be read as a standalone. I liked these characters, so at some point I’m probably going to read the rest of the series. If you like romantic suspense and a series, give this one a go.

The Author by Jeff Scott New Book Release


Help me congratulate Jeff on his newest release! Here’s the blurb:

In the quaint, coastal towns of Southern Maine, where the sea whispers secrets to those who dare to listen, Ian Walker is on the brink of becoming a renowned novelist. With every new book, his star rises higher. But Ian holds a secret obsession—an insatiable compulsion to read every review of his work on Amazon and peruse every critique in online literary circles.

The words of his critics linger in his mind, fueling dark fantasies. But when those who disparage his work begin to meet untimely deaths, Ian is confronted with a chilling question: Could his thoughts be manifesting into sinister reality? Each murder forces Ian to question his own sanity and morality. He doesn’t remember committing these crimes, yet a shadow of doubt haunts him.

Detectives John Harris and Lia Morgan are on a relentless pursuit for the truth. As they trace the threads leading back to Ian, the line between guilt and innocence blurs. In a world of deception and psychological warfare, can Ian uncover the truth before he becomes the ultimate culprit?

The Author is a gripping thriller filled with twists and turns, where every review could be a death sentence and every thought a potential crime.


Missing in Flight by Audrey J. Cole New Book Release


Help me congratulate Audrey on her newest release! Here’s the blurb:

Rushing back to her seat, Makayla Rossi is relieved that all’s still quiet. But when she checks on her sleeping baby, relief morphs into fear. The bassinet is empty.

Liam is gone.

It was a long flight from Anchorage to New York, and with every flight attendant busy, Makayla reluctantly ran to the restroom, asking a seat neighbor to watch her son. She stepped away for just a few minutes. Yet at thirty thousand feet, he still vanished.

Passengers and crew scour the plane to no avail, and since no one recalls seeing her with a baby, suspicions begin to mount about Makayla’s mental state. She’s certain this is nothing like her mother’s on-air memory meltdown. If only Jack, her husband, were there. He would believe her. A high-profile banker featured in Forbes, maybe he could even help.

But Makayla is squarely on her own. And she’ll have to think fast in order to find her son―before it’s too late.