Friday, July 19, 2024

The Garden Girls by Jessica R. Patch Blog Tour and Book Review


I received a gifted copy.

I’m in trouble. I’m afraid I’ll have to add this author to my ever-growing go-to author list. I really enjoyed this darkly twisted tale of The Garden Girls. It hit pretty much all the ‘notes’ for me. Not to mention the very intriguing cover.

I had never heard of this author until I had the opportunity to read this tale and now I want to explore the rest of the Strange Crimes Unit series. I couldn’t even bring myself to read the back matter as that would only make me want to read the next book … now, and it’s not due out until 2025.

In The Garden Girls, you’ll find kidnapping, tattooing, grooming, lost relationships, rekindled relationships, close-knit friendships, and a group called Family of Glory.

Tiberius (Ty) is the main FBI agent in this tale and these ‘lighthouse crimes’ bring him face-to-face with his past, a past that he was ashamed of and had yet to face. Bexley (Bex) is a part of his past that he has to confront, which led him to Josiah. Not to mention his own messed-up childhood … the darkness that lurked there until he was able to see some light.

Ty’s best friend Owen. Owen was his ‘ride or die’ and he took that very seriously, they both did. I enjoyed the fact that both of these characters could call to mind a movie or a line in a song in the worst of circumstances; their personalities really shine through.

There are a lot of different characters in this tale, but that makes this story all the more intriguing. I also liked the fact that there is an underlying faith theme throughout these pages, not a lot, just enough to make Ty a more relatable character because one of the things he struggled with was the ability to believe in something higher than himself. There is also a vulnerability to some of these characters and yet an inner strength, especially concerning the women who were involved. And the bad guy? Yeah, that was a surprise. There are some nuggets interspersed leading readers down a couple of different paths, will they take the right turn in figuring out who it was? I sure didn’t.


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Only One Survives by Hannah Mary McKinnon Book Review and New Release


I received a gifted copy.

The premise of this tale is Vienna and Madison … their story is one of meeting and becoming best friends. Their friendship lasted even after they graduated from high school. They had each other’s backs. They even went on to form a duo – they called themselves EmVee. Their band grew into The Bittersweet, a quite appropriate name, until tragedy struck.

You’ll meet Isabel; Evelina and her sister, Gabi. You’ll meet Roger, the band’s agent. You’ll even meet Libby who traveled with the band as a documentarian. These folks make up such a vast rollcall of characters, each one bringing their own bit of personality to this tale. You’ll even meet Madison’s parents; they’re quite hoity-toity, but essential to this tale. And Guy … can’t forget Guy.

This is exactly the kind of book I enjoy reading for various reasons. Best friends who are like sisters until they’re not. Characters you want to root for but then not.

This is the kind of book that had me thinking – Oh, I know what’s going to happen. Nope – another plot twist. Then again – Oh, I know who did it. Nope – wrong again. I was kind of right about whodunit, but not the exact reasons.

If you’re looking for a tale that you can spend the day with, or maybe a weekend, be sure to pick this one up. I’m sure you’ll enjoy these characters as much as I did. Twisted, sometimes dark, a bit of a love interest which is always a nice touch. And those quiet background characters. I think this is this author’s best one yet!


Help me congratulate Hannah on her newest release! Here’s the blurb:

Becoming the star is easier when the rest of your band is dead…

All drummer Vienna Taylor ever wanted was to make music. If that came with fame, she’d take it—as long as her best friend, guitarist Madison Pierce, was sharing the spotlight and singing lead. And with their new all-female pop rock band gaining traction, soon everyone would hear their songs…

Except, on the way to an event, the Bittersweet’s van careens off an icy mountain road during a blizzard—leaving one member dead and another severely injured.

In order to survive the frigid night, the rest must take shelter in a nearby abandoned cabin. But Vienna’s dreams devolve into a terrifying nightmare as, one by one, her fellow band members meet a gruesome end…and Madison simply vanishes in the night.

Has Vienna’s closest friend finally decided to take center stage on her own terms?

She doesn’t want to believe it.

But guilty people run.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Show Game by Steve Anderson Blog Tour and Book Review


I received a gifted copy.

This is definitely a different take on your ‘average’ thriller/mystery. Plus, part of it is set in the city I grew up in Portland, Oregon, so mentions of different areas in Portland brought back some memories.

The premise of this story is ‘Alex’ is going after some bad folks, at least folks ‘Alex’ considers bad. The thing is, ‘Alex’ doesn’t want to hurt these folks, ‘Alex’ just wants them to make an admission and an apology. Basically – humiliation. Bringing forth the truth of what the bad guys did.

Enter news reporter Owen. Owen made a really big mistake in his career, one he’s trying to right, but when he gets assigned to this story, he has to rein himself in not to jump to conclusions … again. Then, of course, the paper he writes for is bought by Mason Snead who immediately wants to make changes and pulls Owen into his circle, for reasons Owen did not understand in the beginning. There’s more to Owen’s story.

Here's the thing … the reader will definitely be able to figure out the whodunnit in this tale, and I think that was the idea, it’s just the why that takes a while to get to and it is a really big WHY. Most intriguing is the lack of violence on the whodunnit’s part. I thought another character was somehow involved, but that turned out not to be the case.

If you like a tale that involves a vigilante who is trying to make folks take responsibility for what they did, a second-chance relationship, a mother trying to get her daughter back, and what I would consider some hometown justice, give this one a try. The classic good versus bad with a few twists thrown in.

I liked being able to connect to the City of Portland. I liked the struggle Owen had – between righting wrongs and siding with the whodunnit and not wanting to mess up again, and feeling he was wrong in what he came to believe. Mason Snead made for a pretty good character too along with his cohort, Viktoria. There’s a lot more to Viktoria’s story which was a twist I liked.


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Friday, July 5, 2024

Map of My Escape by Cheryl L. Reed Blog Tour and Book Review


I received a gifted copy.

This was such a good book. I started this one on a Sunday and finished it by Tuesday. I imagine, if I had the time, I could’ve read this in one sitting. I have to admit that I picked this one because of the cover and the title intrigued me, Map of My Escape. I was not disappointed.

The premise is Riley and what she did. Thirteen years ago, she was at a school where there was an irate student who entered the gym. That was the day she met Reece. After that day, their friendship was solid through adulthood. Because of that day, Reece because a police officer and Riley became an activist. Someone else in Riley’s life was there that day as well, but it wasn’t until years later … Something happened in Riley’s adult life that made her leave her family and her home of Chicago.

Enter the island of Angelica, a very remote place with very secretive people. Once you become an Islander, you are protected by the people there no matter what you did. Angelica was the perfect place for Riley to hide. She also met another group of folks that she probably would never have met had she stayed in Chicago, opening her up to a new world of possibilities, a new place of dreams, even if they did get snowed in for weeks at a time in the winter.

I liked the characters. I liked the storyline. I liked the fact that Riley and Reece maintained a friendship throughout the years. This story didn’t just focus on what happened in the past, but it brought in some of the obstacles that Riley faced on her ‘escape,’ and planted clues as to how this map was being built. Angelica was not so remote that she never received any news from back home, it was just a few days late. I liked the fact that Riley is a very strong young woman and was able to at least make an attempt to move on with her life, even if it meant leaving everyone she loved behind. I found this to be a really well-written story and now I need “all the books.” Another one to add to my go-to author list.


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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Black Widows by Cate Quinn Book Review


This is the kind of book I can sink my teeth into. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this from three POVs. Rachel the first wife, Emily a sister-wife, and Teresa a sister-wife. Blake the husband. These folks lived way out on the other side of nowhere … where supposedly no one could bother them as they didn’t live a lifestyle most folks agreed with.

Rachel – she is Blake’s first wife, trying to run away from a past that she can’t quite forget, thinking Blake would offer her something better.

Teresa – the wife Blake met in Las Vegas so she was street-smart. She also didn’t know what she was getting into when she met Blake.

Emily – the shy wife, the youngest wife.

There’s more to each of these women. They each have an inner strength that is unbelievably amazing, especially when faced with some pretty hard-hitting truths.

This tale can be rather dark at times, maybe even rather farfetched but I think that’s what I liked about it. Some truth with the plural wife lifestyle thrown in to give it just enough reality along with a whole lot of fiction thrown in because really … who can come up with these scenarios better than a writer?

What I really liked about this tale is the inner strength Rachel, Teresa, and Emily found within themselves. I liked the fact that there is some healing involved, some good coming out of a really bad situation involving some really bad characters, some deeper understanding of each of these women and their personal circumstances, learning to work together to be better and make something good happen.

The Favorite Girl by Monica Arya Book Review


Hmmmm … The Favorite Girl. I had been seeing this floating around social media, folks saying how dark it was, how good. I just had to give it a try.

Okay … yeah, this is pretty dark. I don’t have triggers, so I didn’t find this one too disturbing, but … yeah, I can see where some folks might not be able to stomach this one. The one thing that I feel the author should do is include her trigger warnings in the front of the book and not just on her web site. That’s really my only criticism.

Demi – I like the character Demi. Even though she wanted to give up, she did not. She knew, deep down, there had to be a way out of her situation. She just had to hold onto that hope and her inner strength.

I actually enjoyed the darkness of this one, sometimes thinking – well, that’s creepy. The ending though? That I certainly did not see happening.

If you like deeply disturbing, darker-than-most reads, give this one a try.

The trigger warnings include – sensory deprivation, self-harm, woman degradation, human trafficking, medical experiments, bone garden, cages, violence, graphic scenes, sexual assault, parent abandonment.

The Haunting at Bonaventure Circus by Jaime Jo Wright Book Review


I enjoy this author’s writing and Bonaventure Circus is no different. I like the way she overlaps the past into the present and has characters that ‘match’ each other.

The premise of this circus tale is the mystery surrounding its history. In true author style, Piper and Jack are close to the present-day characters of Chandler and Hank. The thing about Pippa is she was abandoned on the Ripleys’ doorstep as a baby because even though she was born into the circus for whatever reason her parents decided not to keep her and, I suspect, wanted her to have a better life and not looked upon as a circus-show attraction. This was back in 1928. Pippa had a deep-seated yearning when she was old enough to be a part of the circus. Enter Jack, whom she was fiercely attracted to, but betrothed to Forrest. Enter Lily, the baby elephant, who helped Pippa in more ways than one.

Fast forward many decades when Chandler’s father purchased the old circus depot. Chandler’s job was to assess the property and see what sort of remodeling it would take, the money it would take to revamp the space into something monetarily sound. Enter Hank. The overlap of Pippa and Chandler’s personality comes into play when they are both trying to prove themselves in a man’s world, to try to prove they are up to the task at hand, both fighting their attraction to men who are supposedly not good for them.

I enjoyed reading about these women’s challenges in the appropriate time periods; these two women are both strong-willed in their own ways, finding their own voices. I especially liked the ‘ghostly’ feel that was portrayed at the circus depot and the costume house. Had it not been for the ghosts of the past, a couple of present-day crimes would not have been solved.

There was one point when Pippa discovered something about her roots, where I actually said, “What?!?” That certainly caught me by surprise. Read this one – I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

Cold Lies by Bethany Dvilinskas Book Review


One thing about being a reader, as I’ve mentioned before, is finding new authors. I really like this cover.

I’m sad though. I have to be honest … this story had so much promise; it’s a good storyline with Sutton Romello being a detective, being injured, being put on desk duty, being assigned a 20-year-old cold case. I’m sad because I wish the author would have taken a bit more time to edit her story, to bring it an over-the-top wow factor. I will read more by her because I’d like to see how she evolves as a writer.

I like strong female characters and Sutton fits that character role very well, as do the other female characters in Lexie, Sutton’s partner (though Lexie is a bit overprotective); Natalie, Lexie’s boss. It was interesting to me how this particular 20-year-old case overlapped into these ladies’ present-day lives. Again … I like the idea of the storyline; it just needs polishing.

Friday, June 28, 2024

The Light Beside The Sea by Connie Di Marco Blog Tour and Book Review


I received a gifted copy.

Julia is an astrologer who finds herself meeting new clients who are somehow tied to what happened to her late fiancé, Michael. Julia is also still close to Michael’s sister, Maggie, so of course Maggie is involved. The more clues these two amateur sleuths uncovered, the more interesting this story became.

There’s a journal.

There’s a bad guy.

There are smuggled artifacts.

There are love interests.

The clues keep piling up.

There are also a couple of intertwined stories that help take the focus off the main story, involving Rupert, Julia’s grandma, the neighbor, and the Mystic Eye store.

But the whodunnit? Whoa! Didn’t see that one.

To be honest, I wanted to devour this book in one sitting. The chapters are short, there is not a lot of ‘fluff’ in the action descriptions, and there is a lot of dialogue – all of which made this story move at a rather fast pace, which I appreciated. I was also rather taken in by the astrological chart descriptions.

This is also a part of a series, The Zodiac Mysteries, but can definitely be read as a standalone. Now, I need to get my hands on the rest of the series.

I cannot really describe why I was so taken in by this story; this is just good storytelling.


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One Little Sigh by Shannon Hollinger New Release

Help me congratulate Shannon Hollinger on her new release – One Little Sigh. Here’s the blurb:

The small child floats so gently in the water, he could be peacefully asleep: but the cold blue of his skin reveals his fate. One mother’s little boy is never coming home again.

When Chief Maggie Riley sees the body of the small boy still dressed in pajamas in Beaverhead Lake, her heart breaks. Little Patrick Warner went missing last night. Despite immediately calling the entire town of Coyote Cove into action, Maggie’s desperate search failed. Even worse, it’s clear it was murder: Patrick took his last breath long before he entered the water.

Maggie is devastated—Patrick reminds her so much of her beautiful younger brother, gone for so long. Visiting the tiny, rumpled bed where Patrick’s teddy bear still lies, and where Patrick was last seen by his mother Jenny, Maggie’s grief turns to rage. She is determined to bring whoever hurt Patrick to justice.

In this isolated community, someone must know something. But no one will talk. And if his family had nothing to do with it, why are they so secretive? As Maggie’s investigation gathers pace, her emotions threaten to overwhelm her. She still doesn’t know her brother’s fate—she won’t let that happen for little Patrick.

But when Jenny suddenly disappears, suspicions whirl around her role in Patrick’s death. Could she have been lying all this time? Or is Jenny herself in terrible danger too? To uncover the truth before more innocent lives are lost, and lay her demons to rest, Maggie will have to risk not only those closest to her but her own life too…

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

What You Leave Behind by Wanda Morris New Release


Help me congratulate Wanda Morris on her new release – What You Leave Behind. Here’s the blurb:

Award-winning author Wanda Morris returns with a powerful, haunting thriller following a lawyer who after the mysterious disappearance of a local landowner and the death of his sister just months before, uncovers a conspiracy that dates back to Reconstruction and persists in half the United States today.

Deena Wood’s life has fallen apart in the aftermath of losing her beloved mother, her marriage, and her prestigious job at an Atlanta law firm. She needs what the Geechee people of coastal Georgia call a “dayclean,” a fresh start.

She returns to her childhood home in Brunswick, Georgia, to heal. But her return is anything but the respite she thought it might be. To make peace with all her loss, she often drives through the city. One day, she unwittingly finds herself on the oceanfront property of a loner widower who is fighting to keep land that has been in his family since the end of the Civil War. He threatens her and warns her to never return. But shortly after, he disappears, and his very expensive property is quickly put up for sale. Curious about what has happened to the man, Deena digs into his disappearance and finds a family legacy at risk. What starts out as a bit of curious snooping, turns into a deadly game of illegal land grabs and property redevelopment in poor and rural communities with dark and powerful forces at work.

Without realizing it, Deena finds herself caught up in a nightmarish scheme that threatens her community and her family. She’ll need help and finds it in a close but unlikely source because she knows she must do whatever it takes to stop the sinister forces at play before she becomes their next target.

Friday, June 14, 2024

The Devil You Knew by Mike Cobb Blog Tour and Book Review


I received a gifted copy. There are probably going to be some spoilers as I don’t know how to talk about this book without giving some things away. This tale, for me, got off to a slow start until the first crime, then it picked up.

Part One of this tale is told in the voice of 11-year-old Billy (Binky to his friends). There is a lot of narrative throughout these pages. I think it had to be written this way. Part One takes us through two crimes that happened to two young girls and a failed third attempt. These crimes happened back in 1963 … the time when segregation was still very prominent, so of course, guess who gets blamed? Yep, Sam Jepperson. Not good detective work, just plain old closing the case and who cares about the truth?

Dovey Mae – I liked Dovey Mae’s character. She was Granny Tarwater’s house person, relegated to the kitchen to even eat her meals. Dovey Mae and Billy would sneak off and she would tell Billy the truth of the matter and even at 11 years old, Billy was smart enough to know something wasn’t right with how Dovey Mae’s “people” were treated. This book stays true to the verbiage of the time.

Granny Tarwater – Everyone needs a Granny Tarwater. She came across as someone who had a sense of right and wrong, no matter a person’s skin color.

Fast forward to Part Two, the 1980s. Billy is all grown-up. He’s still in touch with some of his neighborhood pals. Billy grew up to be a newspaperman. The intriguing thing about Billy is that he never forgot about Sam and never did accept what happened as fact. He decides to try to find out what really happened, since he now had the resources to do so. Interestingly, not only was this helpful to Sam, it was also helpful to Cynthia, Billy’s now wife. You’ll find out why.

This book made me sad, and it made me mad. Sad because things like this happened, mad because things like this happen. It also puts forth the fact that even back in the 1960s, during all the segregation going on, there were still good folks in the world, like Billy, like Granny Tarwater, who would think about going against the grain, but they just weren’t sure how to, so they kept their thoughts to themselves. I also liked Officer Winstanley. I think deep down he was a good man, he wanted to get to the truth, but he was told to “tow the line,” so to speak. Dovey Mae … we all need a Dovey Mae. She told it like it was, even to 11-year-old Billy. I liked grown-up Billy’s never give up attitude in his seeking out the truth, even if it meant kicking over some rocks, some uncomfortable feelings.

There is also a message of healing within these pages. Especially when the truth was finally revealed. And the whodunit all those years ago? That just adds another layer to the telling of this tale.


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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

All We Buried by Elena Taylor Book Review


I received this book as a gift.

Have you met Bet? Her name is Elizabeth, but folks call her Bet. The premise is Bet being lured back home by her dad because he was sick. Her position as sheriff in her hometown was just supposed to be temporary. Now she’s up for re-election against Dale. There’s some animosity there. Bet has also inherited her dad’s dog, Schweitzer. Schweitzer adds some realness to this tale.

Bet finds herself in all kinds of situations. She’s adapting to her new position and wondering if she wants to be re-elected. She’s coming face-to-face with some realities that are just now surfacing from her past. She’s forced to face some of the people that she grew up with, one who caused her teenage heartache. They’ve all grown up and some have moved on but came back to Collier, but they all have some long-buried secrets. It’s up to Bet and her team to find the truth.

I enjoyed getting to know Bet, so to speak. While she is dealing with a lot of emotional ‘stuff,’ she also maintains her professionalism and does her best to not let her personal feelings get in the way of solving the mystery she is presented with. I like strong female characters and Bet does not disappoint in that aspect. While she’s a bit afraid to accept some of the truths she uncovers, she doesn’t shy away from finding them. If you like a police procedural with a female lead, I’d give this one a go. I’m looking forward to the next book, A Cold, Cold World. It’ll be interesting to see what Bet finds herself up against.


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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Look Closer by David Ellis Book Review


I’ve seen this book floating around on social media and, having never read this author’s work before, decided to give it a go.

I breezed through this bad boy in two days flat. Could’ve been one day, but …

This is a very twisted tale that involves Lauren, Conrad (though he is quite a superficial character), Vicky, Simon, Christian, Gavin, Jane (the police detective) and her partner, Andy. We have a diary, some text messages, and an event that happened on Halloween, because what better day could there be than the one where you can dress up and no one will recognize you or what you are up to?

This book is written in the present-day timeline which includes the investigation and the months leading up to the fateful day. This is a writing style that I tend to like to read. I liked the fact that my head was kind of spinning throughout the telling of this tale, thinking oh it’s … no, maybe not. I did begin to figure out the whodunnit, but not the reason behind it. This is rather a long tale at 448 pages, but I think it had to be so the ending was not rushed and the connections between all the whys could come together cohesively in the end. I would not hesitate to read more of this author’s work.

The Clinic by Cate Quinn Book Review

I was intrigued by the cover of this book, so I decided to give it a read. I did something different and flipped to the back to see how many pages this book contained as I wanted a “big” book, a long read. It has 433 pages – perfect for what I was in the mood for. Then, I read the acknowledgements and was impressed with the author’s candidness about her own addiction and how this book came to be.

This book is told in two voices, those of Cara (the receptionist at the Clinic) and Meg (Haley’s sister, with an addiction and other issues of her own). The prologue pulled me in right away. I wanted to know what happened to Haley. We also meet a whole host of other characters.

We meet the Clinic’s residents.

Sierra – the shy one.

Jade – the wanna-be famous person.

Tom – the womanizer, on his fourth marriage.

Dex – the famous one.

Madeline – the one who wants to help everyone.

Dr. Lutz – the owner of the Clinic.

Max – another doctor at the Clinic.

Cara – the receptionist.

Harry – Meg’s long-time friend.

I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect from this tale as I didn’t read the blurb, but the more I read, the more I was pulled into Meg’s story and her quest to find out what happened to Haley. Of course, the other characters add their own layers to this tale. Meg’s job, relationship with Harry, and her own issues add layers to her story. And, the secrets she uncovered under the guise of Dr. Lutz’s newfound treatment that he was working on, yet another layer. Then, nearing the end … the twists. Now, I want to read all of this author’s books.

Lock Every Door by Riley Sager Book Review


This is the second book I’ve read by this author, the first being Final Girls. I’d been seeing this pink cover floating around on social media and had to give it a go. While I preferred Final Girls, I was intrigued by the story line in Lock Every Door … the title alone made me wonder, why does someone have to lock every door?

Well, after visiting the Bartholomew, I found out why.

The premise is Jules answering a random ad to be an apartment sitter. Low and behold – she gets the job. And who wouldn’t take it for twelve grand? All she had to do was stay for three months. Could she?

The thing is she had to cut herself off from everyone in the ‘outside’ world. Her best friend thought she was a bit crazy to take the job, because … why couldn’t she even have visitors? Come to find out, there is much more to the Bartholomew than met the eye of any outsider.

I definitely appreciated the ‘creep’ factor to the Bartholomew. There was almost a ghostiness to the tale of horror that unfolds, the secrets revealed. People at the Bartholomew were there for very sinister reasons. I think if you like a good creepy, maybe keep you awake at night read, you could give this one a shot. I will definitely read more of this author’s work as I am intrigued by his writing style and storylines.

Butcher and Blackbird by Brynne Weaver Book Review


I’ve seen this book floating around on social media and thought I’d give it a try, see what all the hype is about.

So, if you like a relatively darker read – pick this one up.

While I did not particularly care for all the bedroom scenes, I was intrigued with the storyline and would be interested in reading the rest of this trilogy, The Ruinous Love Trilogy. The main characters, Rowan and Sloane, are what society would call misfits. They have very dark secrets, the two of them, and that darkness leads them to each other.

What makes Sloane so relatable is that she thinks she is unlovable because of her darkness … or, rather, her hobby – the thing she does to make herself feel better. And Rowan … for a man, he doesn’t think anyone can see past his darkness either. Again, they are drawn to each other and find that they are, in fact, lovable.

I think it is their darkness that I was most intrigued by, because … really … there is a purpose to it – ridding the world of some bad apples. Maybe that is a spoiler, but it is hinted at on the back of the book.

I also enjoyed the writing style of this author. Even through all the darkness of these two main characters, there is a sense of humor that comes through on these pages. There is also a list of trigger warnings which I found quite intriguing and was appreciative of. If you like a darker read, one that doesn’t pull any punches and uses language that would offend more sensitive readers, pick this one up. The cover is pretty cool, too!

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Razor Thin by Amy Frances Book Review


I received a copy of this book as a gift.

Kate is quite an interesting character, and her relationships are even more so. Kate is dealing with quite a few different things which has put her … in a word … in a tailspin and she doesn’t really know what to do with her feelings. Kate is also a refreshing character in the realisticness (is that a word?) of bouncing from job to job, not being able to get it together enough to finish college, not knowing who to believe, and the list goes on with her flightiness.

She also has a really cool friend named Peaches. Peaches is very colorful … in personality and self.

Niall comes across as Kate’s ‘hero,’ for lack of a better word. Kate can also cook, so I really enjoyed one particular scene between Kate and Niall when Kate made him a cheeseburger, but it was no ordinary cheeseburger. Great imagery portrayed in that scene. There are also quite a few other scenes that made me chuckle, just in their descriptions.

For me, this was quite a long read at 489 pages. I kept turning the pages wanting to find out the truth that Kate was searching for. This story didn’t really come together for me until I was near the end when things were finally revealed. I had it all wrong. Then, I read, the back matter … now, I want to read the next book in this series, mostly because I’m curious and, even though this is not what I would call a typical mystery/thriller, I am intrigued with the writing style and the characters with their many different idiosyncrasies. I also learned a new word: Pulchritudinous.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Twisted Road by A.B. Michaels Book Blast


Jonathan Perris Can’t Save His Clients

…Until He Saves Himself

1907: Rising from the devastation of a massive earthquake and fire, San Francisco is once again on the move. But a strike by streetcar drivers threatens to halt the Golden City in its tracks. Protests turn to violence and violence leads to death. Soon a young guard is convicted of willfully killing a protester and the public is out for blood.

Jonathan Perris, an immigrant attorney from England, has opened a law firm with an eye toward righting wrongs, and the guard’s conviction may fall into that category. But the talented barrister soon finds his newfound career shaken by a tragic event: the gruesome homicide of the beautiful and mysterious Lena Mendelssohn—a woman he’s been squiring around town. It’s difficult to run a law firm when you’ve been arrested for murder.

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Friday, May 17, 2024

Hidden Rooms by Kate Michaelson Blog Tour and Book Review


I received this book as a gift.

From everything I have read online, this is a debut novel. Say what? I am impressed if that is the case. I found myself wanting to devour this one in one setting … if I had the time I would have.

I enjoyed reading Riley’s story which included her sister Audra, her mom, Mr. Perry, a couple of police detectives, her dog Bruno, her brother Ethan, her best friend Beth and her father, Doug. These folks, and a few others, make up the tale of what happened to Beth. As Riley and Audra dug deeper into the truth of the matter, they found themselves going down a very distorted path.

Riley is also dealing with some health issues as was Beth, which makes Riley’s character all the more believable. The going to multiple doctors, the multiple tests being run, the patting on the head as if to say you’ll be fine, the no answers. The frustration of it all but still finding the strength to carry on.

I enjoyed the pace of this tale as it seemed like Riley and Audra were running out of time to help Ethan out of his situation. Just the writing style made me want to keep turning pages. What pulled me into reading this tale was the cover and the title, which I found to be quite appropriate. And the whodunnit? I thought I had it figured out. Boy, was I ever wrong and was I ever surprised at that sudden twist of events. Sometimes a book like this will have a somewhat rushed, weak ending, this one did not. I am looking forward to what this author brings us next. If this is only her debut, I can only imagine that the next book she writes will be better than this one.


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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Secondary Target by Angela Carlisle Blog Tour and Book Review


I received this book as a gift.

There is quite a lot going on in this tale. Wait until you meet Carina. She is a very strong young woman, having to deal with the grief of losing her mom and brother, her dad up and moving her from their home to Kincaid, a small town near Chicago. Fast forward twelve years.

In Kincaid, Carina and her dad thought things had settled down, though Carina still struggled with all the grief that had built up over the years and still had questions – the big one being: Why? Strange things begin to happen. A new neighbor. Bryce returns to town, unbeknownst to Carina, and his sister, Allye (also Carina’s best friend) says nothing. Carina also has a dog, Houston, and her own business. More strange things happen.

Allye – We all need a colorful best friend like Allye. Wait until you read the description of how colorful she is, not just in personality, but her clothes choices. You’ll see.

Bryce – He’s the kind of guy who just wants to protect Carina because his feelings for her never truly disintegrated.

Will – Carina’s dad. A PI by trade. Wait until you read about the mess he got involved with.

I like that Carina is a strong young lady, but she also struggles with her faith, which makes her relatable. I like that she is dealing with all these “normal” things that we deal with on a day-to-day basis, which makes her even more relatable. Bryce isn’t a character who shies away from his feelings for Carina, he went into protector mode, and held onto his own faith. And Allye, she’s a good sister and a good friend. I also enjoyed that there was a bit of darkness to this tale with the bad guy. I have to say I sure didn’t see that one happening. By the end of this tale, I was pretty invested in these characters, and it appears that there is more to their story. It will be interesting to see where this tale goes.


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Friday, May 10, 2024

Knife River by Baron Birtcher Blog Tour and Book Review


I received a gifted copy of this book.

This one got off to a slow start but then started building. We find Sheriff Ty Dawson pulled into a case involving a helicopter and an eagle. He finds himself learning about a music concert that will be happening on the outskirts of his small town located in Meriwether County, Oregon.

Jesse, his wife, is as strong as ever. Their daughter, Cricket, is a strong young lady, taking after her mother in more ways than one. I enjoy these two women characters – strong and independent in their own ways, and quietly supportive of the men in their lives.

What I was really intrigued with in this tale was the history that was pulled into the story. This series is set in the early 1970s, but pulling in the history of the town from the 1960s just added an extra something. I liked the darkness of the history, some very deeply guarded secrets that the current residents hesitated to talk about, as if the past would come back to haunt them.

There is much I liked about this tale – the slow build as the pages turned. Strong women characters. A dark past of the town colliding with the present events. Some of the verbiage made me chuckle. The consistency of the times, no cell phones, no internet searches, taking the reader back to simpler times. A bit of a western theme as Ty, at heart, is a rancher. And Caleb … he’s an old guy, but he adds a lot of character to the Ty Dawson series.


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