Monday, November 8, 2021

Children of Hope by Michael C. Fine Book Review


I received a gifted copy and am providing a review. (Cover photo provided by publisher.)

What started out as a fun night out for sisters Hope and Angel turned into something far worse. Because of the overturning of Roe v Wade and the sisters being in a state where a “trigger law” was in effect, Angel was forced to have the baby that she did not want or ask for. Angel made Hope promise her to do something in the future that would ensure no other young teen, such as herself, would have to go through what she went through. Hope went on to medical school and was able to position herself in a research lab to further her quest. While in today’s world, we are not quite “there” yet, the technology posed in this tale is not really all that farfetched. Enter the government and some men wanting to change some laws, one being that they were able to overturn Roe v Wade and then went on to propose a Sanctity of Life bill, which Hope was desperately fighting against. Enter a group of three men who met went about secretly helping alleviate the troubles of good people. This is certainly a tale of good versus evil, but who is the final victor?

When this book hits many reading radars, it is going to lend itself to asking many, many questions. This book takes a look at what could potentially happen if Roe v Wade is ever overturned (personally I hope it is not). It is going to beg the question of “what if” in a lot of cases. I commend Mr. Fine for taking a chance and writing such a book, especially since there is so much controversy surrounding this particular topic. Perhaps it will change some minds, open some hearts, provide a better understanding. Maybe the technology that is portrayed in this tale will come to fruition one day.

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