Monday, March 28, 2022

Lying Next To Me by Gregg Olsen Book Review


On a recent trip to Oregon, my husband and I listened to Mr. Olsen’s book, If You Tell, a compelling listen if you like audio books. I decided to give another of Mr. Olsen’s books a try. Lying Next To Me did not disappoint. If I had more time, I suspect I could have finished this one in a day.

The webs people weave in their lives and the lies they tell along the way … how they keep them straight I do not know. In this tale, we find Adam and Sophie Warner and daughter, Aubrey, along with another couple, Kristen and Connor Moss. Surprisingly, these two couples took a Memorial Day weekend trip to the same place, that being Hood Canal in Washington State. Unfortunately, one of these folks did not return home. The question is, what really happened to Sophie? In this tangled web of lies and deceit, a Mason County detective, one Lee Husemann, is called to the scene. As it turns out, she has a past experience with Adam and, even grown-up, she cannot reconcile the man he’s become to the teen she once knew.

There are actually quite a few stories going on this tale: Adam and Sophie Warner and their troubled marriage, until Aubrey comes along. Kristen and Connor’s struggle with infertility. The relationship between Lee and her partner, Montrose, and Montrose’s struggle with a debilitating diagnosis. Lee and Adam’s past tied to her brother, Kip. Adam’s relationship with his boss. And a few other minor characters thrown in the mix.

I know that I will be reading more of Mr. Olsen’s work. He has a way of storytelling that draws the reader in, and I suspect this carries through to the rest of his work.


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