Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Missing White Woman by Kellye Garrett New Release and Book Review


Help me congratulate Kellye on her new book! Here’s the blurb:

The truth is never skin deep.
It was supposed to be a romantic getaway weekend in New York City. Breanna’s new boyfriend, Ty, took care of everything—the train tickets, the dinner reservations, the rented four-story luxury rowhouse in Jersey City with a beautiful view of the Manhattan skyline. But when Bree comes downstairs their final morning, she’s shocked. There’s a stranger laying dead in the foyer, and Ty is nowhere to be found.
A Black woman alone in a new city, Bree is stranded and out of her depth—especially when it becomes clear the dead woman is none other than Janelle Beckett, the missing woman the entire Internet has become obsessed with. There’s only one person Bree can turn to: her ex-best friend, a lawyer with whom she shares a very complicated past. As the police and a social media mob close in, all looking for #JusticeForJanelle, Bree realizes that the only way she can help Ty—or herself—is to figure out what really happened that last night.
But when people only see what they want to see, can she uncover the truth hiding in plain sight?



I don’t know how to ‘talk’ about this book without including some spoilers. There is a message behind this story.

The premise of this twisted tale is Bree and Ty going on a vacation together, with their newly minted 3-month-old relationship. Come to find out it was more than a vacation …

As the title would suggest, this story revolves around a missing white woman, Janelle Beckett. This was a big trip for Bree as she had never been outside of her hometown, let alone with a good-looking fellow like Ty. Enter Billie a TikToker who brings to light Janelle’s story and seemingly is doing more work than the police in trying to figure out what happened to her. Billie is an essential character to this story. There is also Ms. Morgane from the neighborhood where Bree and Ty were staying. Ms. Morgane is the calmness to Bree’s brewing storm; she has a quiet intelligence about her that Bree was drawn to.

The dynamics between Bree and her long-time friend, Adore, is an example of what true friendship looks like, no matter what happened in the past to tear them apart. And, who doesn’t need a friend named Adore?

This is definitely a tale that exudes the ‘show, don’t tell’ way of relaying a story. I could literally see in my mind’s eye the inattention Bree was given from the bored clerks, or the attention she was given from clerks who ‘looked like her.’ And, through all the rudeness that was bestowed upon Bree, she was able to bring back her ‘home training,’ as she called it, and exercise her manners, never abandoning her sense of humor, never treating others as she herself was treated. And that ending? Yeah … that ending.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Three Strikes, You're Dead by Elena Hartwell Blog Tour and Book Review


I received this book as a gift.

This is book three in the Eddie Shoes series. The premise of this tale is Chava deciding to take Eddie on a mini vacation at a resort. Low and behold, Eddie finds herself taking a hike, running across a random teenager running on the same trail, and wouldn’t you know it? She finds herself in a whole heap of a mess. This is one of the endearing features of Eddie’s character, not to mention her sometimes dry but witty sense of humor.

Also, in this tale, Eddie is reconnecting with her father because somehow he shows up at the same resort and helps get Eddie out of her situation … making Eddie wonder just how deep his ‘connections’ run. Sure, she knows who her father is affiliated with but it makes her wonder.

I really enjoy the character of Eddie Shoes. I like her personality, her sense of humor even in the worst of situations. The inner thoughts she has are so spot-on, I think, especially when it comes to Jake, the firefighter, she meets at the resort and Chance is always in the back of her mind. She’s just not quite sure what to do with that situation. What makes Eddie very relatable is that she is confident in her abilities as a PI, but not so much when it comes to personal relationships. And, Franklin, her loyal dog.

I like Chava, her mother, also. Chava comes across as a very proud lady, one who doesn’t easily show her emotions. When Chava gets upset about something, Eddie and Eduardo know because Chava has no problem voicing her opinion.

If you’re looking for a series that is a quick read, has a consistency of characters, and will provide some chuckles along the way, check this one out!


Purchase Links:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Three-Strikes-Youre-Eddie-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B0CGMSYM9Z/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1XDJASA42QZXC&keywords=three+strikes%2C+you%27re+dead&qid=1705849219&sprefix=three+strikes%2C+you%27re+dea%2Caps%2C375&sr=8-4

Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/three-strikes-youre-dead-elena-hartwell/1127465885?ean=9781504089388


Find Ms. Hartwell:

Website: https://www.elenahartwell.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElenaTaylorAuthor

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/elena-hartwell

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3975429.Elena_Hartwell

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Elena_TaylorAut

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elenataylorauthor/


Interested in your own book tour?

Partners in Crime: https://www.partnersincrimetours.net/

Need a proofreader? I’ve got you covered - https://www.melissaproofs.com/



Sunday, April 21, 2024

Shadow In The Ward by Ari Gray Book Review


I received a gifted copy of this sci-fi/medical thriller.

This is certainly not my ordinary read, but I did enjoy it. This tale takes place in the year 2042, which, when you think about it, will be here before we realize it.

This tale takes us on Dr. Seth Kelley’s quest. Dr. Kelley is an emergency room physician at Bayshore General and he is in a conundrum. He has become disillusioned with his profession. I like this aspect of his personality; it makes him real. He also has a family, his wife Rebecca who suffers with MS, and his daughter Abigail who is full of energy. Since Dr. Kelley works the night shift, he finds a work/life balance hard to maintain, also making him ‘real.’

Enter Dr. Winter. Dr. Winter is the creator of ALDRIS which is essentially the brain behind his AHPs (Automated Healthcare Providers). Dr. Winter is a devious fellow, I thought.

At Premier West Hospital, Dr. Kelley meets Daria, an amazing medical student, who has a thirst for knowledge. She attached herself to Dr. Kelley. There’s more to Daria than meets the eye.

Cody is the computer programmer who has been working with Dr. Winter for a very long time.

But … something goes terribly wrong.

Since this book falls into the sci-fi category, some of the scenarios are a bit farfetched, but are they really? This book really calls into question what is going to happen to medicine in the future. The idea of robots in the medical field is not unheard of, but they are not as smart as the ones portrayed in this tale. There is an underlying darkness between these pages, one that jumps out at the reader when it is least expected.

What I really enjoyed were some of the medical emergency scenes that the author was able to capture. I liked the characters in all their imperfections, their thoughts, the underlying darkness that falls at the feet of the AHPs, well tentacles really.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Vanished by Cara Putman New Release and Book Review


Help me congratulate Cara on her newest release! Here’s the blurb:

Janae Simmons left the small town of Kedgewick, Virginia, ten years ago to pursue her legal career and never looked back--until a professional mistake leads her to her grandmother's historic carriage house and to the town where her past threatens to find her. The quiet streets echo with her grandfather's sterling reputation, one that conflicts with fresh questions that claw at Janae, launching her on a reluctant journey to unearth his secrets. When her new job at a local law firm doesn't live up to expectations, she wonders if coming home was the right decision. Carter Montgomery starts his art preservation career with the only job he can get--director at the Elliott Museum of Art. At least Kedgewick is a nice enough town to provide him and his nephew with a safe place to grieve the loss of Carter's sister. But Carter's calm days disappear when an elderly woman claims two paintings in the museum's collection were stolen from her family during World War II. Carter enlists Janae's help to unravel the legal labyrinth of art ownership, and the peaceful facade of Kedgewick morphs into a hot bed of secrets. When an attorney turns up dead and Janae uncovers another painting, what began as a simple legal issue spirals into a race against time. As the web of intrigue tightens, the duo must confront a looming question: What dark truths lie beneath the surface, waiting to be exposed?


Genre: Romantic suspense.

Series: Secrets to Keep, book one.

I received a gifted copy.

This was my first introduction to this author. I really enjoyed her writing style as well as the storyline.

This tale would appeal to those readers who enjoy learning something new … this something new involves the world of museums, works of art, and determining provenance. It was intriguing to me just how much work goes into determining the provenance of a piece of art. I guess I’ve always been a bit curious … it’s one of those behind-the-scenes things. Yes, this is a work of fiction, but there seemed to be a ring of truth in that determination through these pages.

I enjoyed the storyline between the main characters Janae, an attorney who has a story of her own, and Carter who also has his own story. I liked the back-and-forth between the two of them, their attraction but not really sure if they should act on it. Janae from the standpoint of Carter being her first big client in her new law firm, and Carter simply because he was afraid to take a chance with his heart. There is also a backstory involving Charlotte, Carter’s sister, along with her son, Andrew.

And, we can’t forget the Ashby and Ashley Law Firm, along with Janae’s parents … not to be ousted by the story of Janae’s grandparents. And the Elliott Museum itself and all that happened there.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Two Heads are Deader Than One by Elena Hartwell Blog Tour and Book Review

I received this book as a gift.

This is book two in the Eddie Shoes series and it is hilarious! In parts, near the end, it did get serious with a couple of topics, but Eddie maintained her sense of humor throughout.

Eddie’s given name is Edwina Schulz, but she goes by Eddie Shoes, which, I think, fits her personality better. Plus, she’s a PI who does a lot of on-the-ground work, so to speak, so it makes sense she’d call herself Shoes. Eddie and Chance are still dancing around each other.

Chava – Eddie’s mother. Chava is a constant in Eddie’s life, one she did not really appreciate until later in life.

Dakota – what a character in Dakota. She’s the messed-up, long-ago friend.

Lisa – Chance’s police detective partner.

Franklin – Eddie’s dog.

Even though I was chuckling throughout the turning of these pages, there were some serious issues brought up. These may be spoilers, but there is Mark and his schizophrenia. Dakota and her consistent lying, not to mention the bigger crime she perpetrated. There is even a bit of a ghost story in Richard Vost. There is the heartbreak between Eddie and Chance. And, the estranged relationship between Eddie and her father, Eduardo.

I appreciated the characters coming to life through these pages. If you like colorful characters intermixed with some serious subjects, I highly recommend this series. I wonder what Eddie will find herself mixed up in next.


Purchase Links:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Heads-Deader-Eddie-Shoes-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B0CGMR3RXW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=VGFE1PIKR7RW&keywords=two+heads+are+deader+than+one&qid=1705849315&sprefix=two+heads+are+deader+than+one%2Caps%2C304&sr=8-1

Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/two-heads-are-deader-than-one-elena-hartwell/1125149810?ean=9781504089371


Find Ms. Hartwell:

Website: https://www.elenahartwell.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElenaTaylorAuthor

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/elena-hartwell

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3975429.Elena_Hartwell

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Elena_TaylorAut

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elenataylorauthor/


Interested in your own book tour?

Partners in Crime: https://www.partnersincrimetours.net/

Need a proofreader? I’ve got you covered - https://www.melissaproofs.com/



Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Buy One, Give One - Reading is A Right - Book Program Sponsored by Joe Clifford


Scrolling through Facebook one day, I came across a post by Joe Clifford. It was a picture of a pile of books describing how he sends books to currently/previously incarcerated individuals. I was quite intrigued by this as I’d never seen anyone else do something like this.

This past year, I decided to start a newsletter showcasing an individual author each month. April 2024 was Joe’s month and I wanted to know more about this program. Fortunately, before scheduling my newsletter to go, on another random Facebook scroll, I found that Joe has revamped his book program.

Joe says: “I've revamped my website with some new deals, 2 for 1 kind of stuff, signed copies, bundles, etc. But the big one is "Buy One, Give One," which is part of my "Reading Is a Right" program that allows me to send free books to currently/previously incarcerated individuals. If you know someone in prison, family member, friend, casual acquaintance, just give me their inmate number and mailing address and I'll ship out a free, signed book. I'll send as many as they want to read. I could've ended up in San Quentin if not for the many, many (many) second chances I was given. Being incarcerated shouldn't take away opportunities to read.”

I am hoping by helping Joe spread the word about his amazing program, it will make a difference in someone’s life. I think it’s a good thing Joe is doing, a positive thing. If you’d like to help Joe with his program, contact him for details (joe@joeclifford.com).

In the meanwhile:

Link to Joe’s latest newsletter - https://preview.mailerlite.com/o4a8q3j7e8/2454853359992051600/s4v7/

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1t2MW7SA_Y



Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Night Falls on Predicament Avenue by Jaime Jo Wright New Release and Book Review


Help me congratulate Jaime on her new release! Here's the blurb: 

As the walls of the house at Predicament Avenue reveal their hidden truths, two women--generations apart--discover that fear and foreboding are no respecters of time.

In 1910, Effie James is committed to doing anything to save her younger sister, who witnessed a shocking murder, leaving her mute and in danger of the killer's retribution. Effie must prove what her sister saw, but when a British gentleman arrives, he disrupts Effie's quest with his attempts to locate his wife, Isabelle Addington, who was last seen at the supposed crime scene in the abandoned house at 322 Predicament Avenue. Just as Effie discovers what she seeks, she finds that the blood staining the walls will forever link her to a scandal she couldn't imagine, and to a woman whose secrets promise to curse any who would expose them.

A century later, Norah Richman grapples with social anxiety and grief as she runs her late great-aunt's bed-and-breakfast on Predicament Avenue. But Norah has little affection for the house and is committed only to carrying out her murdered sister's dreams until crime historian and podcaster Sebastian Blaine arrives to investigate the ghostly legacy of the house's claim to fame--the murder of Isabelle Addington. When a guest is found dead, the incident is linked to Isabelle's murder, and Norah and Sebastian must work together to uncover the century-old curse that has wrapped 322 Predicament Avenue in its clutches and threatens far more than death.



I received a gifted copy.

Things happen at 322 Predicament Avenue. Things that make you wonder if something really does go bump in the night.

Norah found herself inheriting 322 Predicament Avenue when her Aunt Eleanor passed on. It was never Norah’s goal in life to be a bed-and-breakfast owner, it was her sister Naomi’s dream. Naomi, sadly, wasn’t around to make that goal happen.

Jump back to 1910 when the residents of 322 Predicament Avenue were members of the James family, specifically Effie (Euphemia) and her sister Polly, two sisters who got up to all kinds of mischief at Polly’s insistence, much to the dismay of their parents and inappropriately so for the time period.

Back to present day, when we meet Sebastian who is a podcaster staying at 322 Predicament Avenue to uncover what happened to Isabelle Addington back in 1910.

Back to 1910 when Isabelle found herself in Shepherd, Iowa, where this story takes place, and the mystery surrounding her disappearance. Also, back in 1910, the ousted family of Shepherd, Iowa, the Oppermans. They’re the family that the town avoided. Mabel Opperman held onto 322 Predicament Avenue because she couldn’t stand the thought of someone else in the town owning the property, so it became a shelter to passersby, transients, random strangers, and the like.

Staying true to her style, this author writes in a dual timeline, that being 1910 and present day, and has a building involved, that being 322 Predicament Avenue. What I enjoy the most is the overlapping of characters and their different yet similar personalities. In this tale, we have Norah and Naomi, sisters, and back in 1910 another set of sisters, Effie and Polly. Each sister pairing suffers a tragedy. We also have Sebastian, the podcaster of today, and Mr. Anderson of 1910, both seeking answers as to what happened to Isabelle Addington. Between these four characters, we also have a hint of love interests, which is also an entertaining offshoot to this tale.

There are a whole host of other characters that make up this tale of Shepherd, Iowa. We have Otto and Ralph, a pair of brothers who Norah grew up around, who her Aunt Eleanor cared about, but there is a deeper story to these two brothers. Their counterpart back in 1910 would be Mabel Opperman and her son Floyd, and the cloud of suspicion surrounding the Oppermans.

There is a lot going on in this tale of 322 Predicament Avenue. I was especially intrigued by the ‘ghostiness’ of this story. You could liken the house at 322 Predicament Avenue to a modern-day haunted house that you might traverse through, or maybe even an old, abandoned house in a town that refuses to tear it down so there it stands in all its ominousness just waiting for folks to pass through. With a graveyard out back for good measure. There are a couple of twists to this haunting tale that I sure wasn’t expecting and came out of the blue, but I think that was the intent.

If you like a good, haunted house/ghost story tying the past to the present with characters that can be quite colorful, with a few twists thrown in, don’t miss this one. I think you’ll enjoy it.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Murder Leads to Marriage by Shannon Peeples Book Review


I received this book as a gift.

Let me introduce you to the characters.

Jack – The dad to Lilly, Rosie, Daisy, and Amy.

Lilly – Married to Kevin. A nurse.

Rosie – Haunted by her past with Steve. An aspiring author.

Daisy – Having a difficult time getting her life back together after losing Tommy. She becomes a clerk at the hospital Lilly works at.

Amy – The youngest of the sisters. Decided to go to law school.

Ren – The local vet. Meets up with Rosie.

Jon – Wait until you hear his nickname! Meets up with Daisy.

Danny – The local cop. Friend of the Hurley family.

Looking for a book that contains second-chance romance(s)? Check!

Looking for a book that has a close-knit family who sticks together through all the ups and downs, thick and thin? Check!

Looking for a book who has a character who can’t seem to escape her past? Check!

I enjoyed meeting all four of the sisters. They each bring something to this tale with their different personalities. The underlying thing that holds them together? Family. I’ve never read about a more close-knit family.

When Martha enters the picture, there is a definite eeriness that takes over the family. To put it mildly, Martha was a very troubled individual. I was shocked at what happened to her in the end. I did like the creepiness she brought to this family’s tale.

I was also intrigued by the dogs in this story – Big Shirley, Walter, Marilyn (the three main ones), Leo, and Evie. How clever are those names!?!