Sunday, September 20, 2015

"The View" vs Ms. Colorado

September 20, 2015

By now, most of the world has heard what happened on "The View" last Monday, September 14, 2015. We have all seen the well-deserved backlash and the sponsors abandoning them.

No, I am not a nurse, but I do work in the medical realm as a medical transcriptionist.

Ms. Colorado, Kelley Johnson, I commend you a thousand times over for what you did. You stepped out of the norm for the talent portion of Miss America. You told a real story. You told Joe's story, your story. You are a brave lady!

While most people have been ragging on the ladies (and I use that term loosely) for being so insulting to nurses and Ms. Johnson wearing her "costume" of scrubs and a "doctor's stethoscope," I have run across only ONE person who has even remotely touched upon the subject of her speech.

And where is this supposed apology? I'm still waiting. If it ever surfaces, I am sure it will not be sincere.

I may not be the most eloquent of writers, but Alzheimer's/dementia is near and dear to my heart. I run a Facebook page hoping to "put a face" to this dreaded disease in 2015. Those of you who know me personally know that my mother-in-law struggles with this disease and that my second mom passed away this year from this dreaded disease. My late pen-pal's wife had to be placed in a care facility because she was so dangerous to herself and others. Sadly, I do not know if she is still with us or not and have been unable to find out.

Do you realize that dementia is the 6th leading cause of death? Does this not scare you? Did you know that you can get this disease in your 30s, your 40s, your 50s, and the younger you are the quicker you die?

Do you know what it's like to have your mother-in-law see you once or twice a week and not know you? Have you ever heard your loved one ask - "How long have I known you?" Or what it's like when your loved one is looking at a picture of their spouse (having been married for 40 some odd years) and asks - "Who is that?"

Do you know what it's like to have to make the decision of placing your loved one in a care facility and watch him/her just sit there in a chair? There, but not really there. What it's like to watch your loved one lose all ability to walk, talk, drink, or even eat, let alone know who you are at any given moment?

Do you know how exhausting it is for a dementia individual to just get up every day? Can you imagine what it's like having to try and keep up with a conversation that includes more than 2 people? Or even just trying to figure out how to get dressed?

And let's not forget about the caregivers! Do you know how exhausting that task is? What a challenge it is every moment of every day, not knowing what your loved one will do next?

Have you paid attention to Glen Campbell's story at all? Kim is quickly becoming one of my heroes. She has been married to him for 30+ years now. She did have Mr. Campbell in a care facility, but he is back home now. I cannot even imagine her struggles in dealing with this disease as Mr. Campbell has physical outbursts. He does not know about any of this. The sad, sad truth is that his family does and they have to watch him slowly die. And, yet, she stands by him.

Let's not forget the Reagans! Nancy will forever and always be one of my heroes! She stuck by him to the very end.

If you have not ever encountered this disease, you have no clue. And, I suspect that the ladies of "The View" are pretty clueless. If they weren't, they wouldn't have poo-pooed this disease. They just passed over it with a "not that that's not important" statement.

Now, ladies (again used loosely), of "The View," had you taken 2 minutes to find out what Kelley was all about and what she was doing, you would have had THE PERFECT platform to bring light to an extremely dreadful disease - that of Alzheimer's (oh, and let me educate you - Alzheimer's is NOT the same as dementia). Instead of coming across as ignorant, you could have brought light to a disease that needs to be talked about, one that needs more awareness, more research. One that needs a cure. You could have been having your praises sung.

Oh, and Ms. Goldberg, for you to sit there any say "listen to us ..." Why did YOU not LISTEN to Kelley?

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