Sunday, May 17, 2020

My Sister Is Missing by Carissa Ann Lynch Book Review

Ms. Lynch is fast becoming one of my favorite psychological/mystery authors. After reading her book, "The One Night Stand," I was wanting more so I picked "My Sister Is Missing." While it was slow, for me, in the beginning this story finally started coming together. The ending sure was not what I was expecting.

Emily came home to Bare Border at the insistence of her sister, Madeline, and Emily also met her niece and nephew, Shelley and Ben, for the first time. Her first night back Emily found herself struggling with the concept was was actually back home ... meaning she would have to face her demons. Madeline (Madi) told her she had something to tell her but would not tell her the first night. When Emily woke up the next morning, Madi was nowhere to be found. In Emily's search, she finds out that her old flame is now on the police force. Would he believe that something sinister happened to Madi and help Emily? Was Madi really missing or did she just take a time-out?

If you are looking for a fast read and one that has many underlying stories to include teenage relationships and failures, complex family relationships, the rekindling of old relationships, to name a few, give "My Sister Is Missing" a try. It is of great interest to me that at the very end of this tale Ms. Lynch brings up a very troublesome topic that affects us, especially our children, today.

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