Friday, November 7, 2014

Definition of Rosary

Do you know the definition of the word "rosary"? I found this on Wikipedia - it is a bit lengthy.

"The Rosary (from Latin rosarium, meaning "Crown of Roses" or "garland of roses"), in its most commonly known format as the Dominican rosary, is a form of prayer used especially in the Catholic Church or a string of prayer beads used to count the component prayers. When used of the form of prayer, the word is usually capitalized ("the Rosary"), as is customary for other names of prayers, such as "the Lord's Prayer", "the Hail Mary", "the Magnificat". When referring to the beads, it is normally written with a lower-case initial ("a rosary").

The prayers that essentially compose the Rosary are arranged in sets of ten Hail Marys preceded by one Lord's Prayer and followed by one Glory Be to the Father. During recitation of each set, known as a decade, thought is given to one of the Mysteries of the Rosary, which recall events in the lives of Jesus and Mary. Normally, five decades are recited in a session. Other prayers are sometimes added after each decade (in particular, the Fatima Prayer) and before (in particular, the Apostles' Creed), and after (in particular, the Hail, Holy Queen) the five decades taken as a whole.

The rosary as a material object is an aid towards saying these prayers in the proper sequence."

I think a lot of people have become confused over the years as to who prays the rosary. As the last sentence suggests, rosary beads are a material object to aid in saying prayer. Personally, I don't believe a person has to be of any specific religion to own and/or pray using a rosary. Sometimes, a material object itself provides a sense of comfort. I know when making rosaries, I feel an extreme amount of peace doing so. As my dear friend is wont to say, "It's a God thing."

I say that because I firmly believe we all tend to believe in something, whatever title we put on "it." I personally believe there is a Higher Power. How could there not be? Let your mind become quiet and listen.

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