Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Kindness of Strangers

I want to share a story of strangers being kind to strangers. This story involves my friend, Alicia (remember, the one whose family lost their home due to a fire on November 30), and Mary M.

Some background - I met Mary through a Facebook post of all things! Mary is a graphic designer and had posted in one of the groups I am a member of that she wanted to give back to small businesses, which is where she got her start. She offered her graphic design services free of charge to 5 small businesses, all we had to do was send her an email and give her our “pitch.” I am a horrid writer, so I hemmed and hawed and went back and forth. Finally, I sent her an email ... I was picked! Not only did she offer to help 5 small businesses, but she increased that amount to 12 total! Wow! The offer was for brochures, business cards, logos, etc., etc. By this time, I had known Alicia, through Facebook, for quite some time. She has become one of my dear friends ... it breaks my heart she and her family are going through this.
I had posted Alicia’s GoFundMe account. I had also posted a “feel good” post from Alicia about the kindness that she and her family have been experiencing from total strangers. I shared this post to my page (see below). Mary commented that she wanted to help Alicia’s family, so through the miracle of technology I connected them via the PM system on Facebook to keep things private.

Alicia’s post: “I am so overwhelmed with the love and support of everyone of you! Please remember to keep us in your prayers. The boys are wanting to go to school tomorrow. Please pray that the other kids are kind to them and that the boys have the strength to make it thru the day. I've been there once when I was in 7th grade and it felt overwhelming at times. I will be going back to work on Thursday, so same prayer for me. Our big dumpster will be delivered tomorrow and Daniel will continue to tear the remains down. We are giving our deck to our neighbors since they were the only ones without one. Today, a woman who lost her home to the tornado last year donated a suitcase to us...she gave us a brush, deodorant, pens, a notebook for me and'd be amazed at how those were some of the main things I was missing and really wanting! And, I am assuming it's because she had been in this same situation and those were the items she needed too! A friend gave me a pair of slippers, that too brought a smile to my face. Though this is very hard for me, it's always in the back of my mind about how difficult it is for my boys. I've been dishing out extra hugs! Anyhow, we are so very thankful to Mike and Kay Davis for allowing us to stay with them, they are a true blessing and very kind, warm hearted people. We are also very thankful for each and everyone one of you...your prayers mean a lot to us! Your kind words mean a lot to us. It's truly amazing. sorry for the rambling on. Time to get some sleep. God Bless!”

Mary’s response: “I don't know the circumstances, but having been there myself, ten years ago when we lost everything to a house fire I can relate. How can I help? I would love to send them some things to help get them by and even brighten their holidays if possible.

Alicia posted about a contest that some organization was running, with the prizes being 2 guitars and a drum set. She was hoping that if her son, Zach, was chosen he could have a trumpet instead ... his trumpet was lost in this fire. Music does matter! I re-posted this content to my personal wall, send an email nomination, and posted Alicia’s request on my page as well. Mary, in turn, re-posted this information on her personal page asking if anyone had a trumpet they would be willing to donate to Zach.
God in all his goodness know the people to bring together in this situation. Mary has been able to secure a trumpet for Zach! As of today, December 10, 2014, Mary’s daughter was taking said trumpet to school and the music teacher there is going to give it a good once-over ... off it will go to Zach.
Through Alicia’s family’s tragedy, it has been an amazing process to me to watch so many people come together to help the West family get back on their feet. Though they are dealing with a lot, they are banding together ... all in good time will they have a new home and all the things that were lost.

Always remember to be kind to one another.
As of yesterday, December 9, 2014, the GoFundMe account was up to 1310.00 in just a little less than 2 weeks’ time with the goal of 2500.00. I believe this can happen! This is the link to the GoFundMe account:

A picture of Alicia and her family.

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