Friday, January 9, 2015


It saddens me to write this. Nancy, my second mom, was born March 27, 1925, and passed on January 2, 2015. She had Alzheimer's. I feel so sad and so full of emptiness. I will miss her always. As selfish as it sounds, I am heartbroken. I have memories I'd love to share.

Like this one - do you remember the really in-depth conversation we had, just me and you, a few months after I first moved down here? I've been thinking on that lately.

And this one - do you remember the time we had Christmas at the house that I bought here in town? It was the first Christmas for me there ... you were there. Clark was there, the kids ... I don't believe we had any "strays" that year. Remember the oven fire? Wow! That sure was something wasn't it? I'm so surprised the house didn't burn down and I didn't have to buy a new stove! I loved having you there.

This picture means so much more to me now than it did. This was taken August 22, 2009, the day before our wedding. Nancy and her daughters, Dale and Lynn, made the trip to California for Randy and I. Mom took this picture and I am so glad she did. This was at a "party," of sorts, at Nancy's previous residence here in town. I loved her like a mom.

April 2010 - I went to Oregon for your birthday/Easter celebration. You were the lady of the day! I remember just sitting on the couch with you, just holding your hand. The kids were all wildly running around like kids do. I said something about this family getting larger. You agreed and told me you couldn't keep up with all of them. I cherish the memory! (This is me, Nancy, and my mom.)

April 2010 - surrounded by the whole family!

April 2010 - See that smile? Always present, always a smile for everyone!

December 2014 - Smiling forever. While I made the choice not to see you while you were sick, I cherish your memory and thank you for letting me be a part of your family. I am sure the emptiness and sadness will subside over time, but I will forever miss you!

If any of you are dealing with a loss, of any form, I found this great web site with the 5 stages of grief and some explanations. There is also a list on this site that has the "right" and "wrong" things to say. If you're like me, you never know what to say! Remember, your grief is as personal as you are - there is no timeline - you heal as best you can in your own time, no one else's.

If any of you would like to share your story and/or memories of a loved one who is battling or who has lost the battle with Alzheimer's, do not hesitate to contact me. We can write your story with pictures, a favorite Bible verse, a prayer ... Let's help "put a face" to Alzheimer's!

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