Friday, August 30, 2024

So Much Forever by Jafe Danbury New Book Release


Help me congratulate Jafe on his new book! Here’s the blurb:

Fourteen months after the rescue of their young daughter from traffickers, Curt and Phoenix Martinsen have been laser-focused on healing Rose’s inner wounds, to the exclusion of all else.

As they enter into Easter Week and their highly anticipated spring break, the couple looks forward not only to quality time with their daughter, but also seek to carve out some long-overdue time to reconnect with each other.

One last errand stands in the way of that, however, during which a chance encounter and random act of kindness immediately plunges them into an illusory world in the making long before this moment.

When Phoenix, in turn, comes face to face with a life-and-death scenario, she battles those who people this world, determined to save her family before the odds favor her no more.

In this third installment of the gripping Phoenix series, award-winning author Jafe Danbury shines a light on the myriad ways in which survivors come to grips with their ordeals and the environments in which they do it.

Friday, August 23, 2024

In The Pale Light by Westley Smith Blog Tour and Book Review


I received this book as a gift.

This author has been moved to my auto buy list, and this is only his second book. I like the way he is able to paint a picture with just words alone, as if the reader is actually there, experiencing what’s happening. That is a talent I appreciate.

In this tale, we meet Terry. I kind of felt sorry for Terry with all that he had gone through, from a terrible crime against his family, his health, a town that just wanted him to leave. Terry, though, has a strong character since he finally decided to put to rest what happened nine years ago. Little did he know the answers he would find or the trouble he would cause when he started asking questions around town.

Meet Miller and Ross, the two state police who were assigned to the cold case involving the Graham family. Miller had his own issues thrown in the mix between his ex-wife and his daughter, making for an interesting read and how he went about dealing with the issues he was faced with. I liked the fact that Miller was forced to take a hard look at his own character.

Ruby-Lee. What can I say about Ruby-Lee? She adds quite a bit of color to these pages.

If you like a tale that has a hidden meaning to its title, some good ol’ fist fights that make you feel like you’re in the fight, some shoot ‘em up scenes … give this one a read; I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

I thought I had this one figured out, but no. I didn’t.

I’m looking forward to this author’s next book.


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Friday, August 16, 2024

Royally... Yours by Nellie K. Neves New Release


Help me congratulate Nellie on her new book! Here’s the blurb:

When sparks ignite, there is more than emotion at stake.

He risks his country as he gambles with his love.

The fate of Nolcovia, a kingdom on the brink of political turmoil, rests on the shoulders of Crown Prince Leonidas Fitzborough III, and time is running out. With his father's health fading, he must marry a suitable bride to secure his succession as the new monarch. But when his mother, the queen, concocts a plan to host a reality television competition for bachelorettes to win his heart, Fitz is hesitant. How can he trust his instincts to pick the right woman when his country's future hangs in the balance?

Time is running out and his heart longs for love, but he fears it may be out of reach. Desperate for help, he turns to his oldest friend, Michaela. As an exchange student in America, they bonded years ago and have remained close ever since. But when 'Fitz' reveals his royal identity and asks for her help, Michaela is stunned. Fitz must pick a wife, and he needs Michaela to act as his royal wingman. Can she keep her emotions in check or is she destined to fall for the prince she can’t have?

As the competition begins, and Fitz starts to see Michaela in a new light, he must navigate the chaos of production crews, cameras, and television magic while trying to find his future bride. With fifteen women vying for the heart of the Crown Prince, and a political rebellion brewing in the background, the stakes are higher than ever. Will Fitz stay true to his duty, or will he risk everything for love?


Fans of royal romance and mystery will be captivated by "Royally Yours," the first book in the Nolcovian Chronicles. With its sweet romance and underlying intrigue, this book is sure to leave readers swooning. And with a PG-13 rating, it's perfect for sweet romance readers on a cozy night in, with no spicy scenes, bad language, or cheating. Don't miss out on this breathtaking read, get your copy today!


A Cold, Cold World by Elena Taylor Blog Tour and Book Review


I received this book as a gift.

I recommend reading All We Buried, the first book in this series, to get a sense of the characters, especially Bet – the new sheriff in Collier, having taken over her dad’s old position. You’ll learn her backstory and how resilient she is.

In Cold, Cold World Bet finds herself investigating at least three different crimes during … would you believe … the worst snowstorm to hit her little town of Collier. One crime just led to another which led to another which led to her knocking on doors to find answers. She definitely found answers and a couple of surprises along the way.

We are also introduced to a new character – Kane. I definitely found Kane to be an interesting addition to this series, and I am hoping he won’t disappear.

I am enjoying this series, which I would consider a police procedural series. I like Bet’s character, her inner strength, her willingness to battle the coldest snowstorm to get to the bottom of what was going on in her town. Even though Collier is a small town, the crimes are big-city types. Bet also has a pretty good team to help her – Alma (who doesn’t like Alma?), Clayton (her steady right-hand man, so to speak), Schweitzer (her dog), the townspeople, and the newest addition Kane.

Bet likes to see the good people and think the best of them, but she also understands that she cannot eliminate any one of her townsfolk as suspects. I like the fact that she is able to reference the lessons she learned from her dad and another mentor of hers, Maggie. Bet is finding her way in Collier and slowly earning the respect of her town. I’m sure she’ll find herself wrapped up in another crime or two, and it’ll be interesting to see how she puts the pieces together.


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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

In The Pale Light by Westley Smith New Release

Help me congratulate Wes on his newest release! Here’s the blurb:

When Clay Graham and his family are found slain in the parking lot of his struggling business, the police suspect Clay’s troublemaker brother, Terry. 

Terry claims he was drunk the night of the murders and passed out at home. With little evidence against Terry to make an arrest, the case soon goes cold.

Shunned from the community, harassed by locals who believe he’s a murderer, and suffering from an undiagnosed illness, Terry lives alone on his farm, punishing himself for his past indiscretions.

Then Pennsylvania State Police Trooper Henry Miller, who has ties to the town and the Graham murders, shows up with newly discovered evidence that kick-starts the case all over again.

Now, before his illness kills him, Terry sets out, battling against small-town secrets and old grudges, racing against time to stay one step ahead of both the state police and his own impending death, to finally find out what really happened to his family and hopefully prove himself an innocent man--if he is one.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Imaginary Strangers by Minka Kent Book Review


I received this book as a gift.

I knew I shouldn’t have started this book before I went to work in the morning. It had me hooked from the get-go. I would have devoured this one in a single day if I could have.

Let me tell you about Camille, the main character. She’s a mom of two, Jackson and Georgiana (or Jack-Jack and Georgie). This quiet family of four lives in San Diego in the ‘Pill Hill’ neighborhood, having moved there from Chicago. Her husband, Will, is an anesthesiologist at the local hospital, so this home was perfect for them. A safe neighborhood, schools nearby, the hospital just seven minutes away from home.

I found a lot of symbolism in this tale. I correlated Lucinda to Lucifer. I was especially intrigued by the plant Camille kept, a Venus flytrap of all things. I was even more intrigued with the story behind how Camille acquired this plant. The ending leads me to believe that there is more to Camille’s story.

This story takes on sociopathy, which I found to be put forth in a very nonjudgmental, concise way lending to the author’s research into the subject. All around, this is the kind of dark tale I enjoy reading and, I have to say, I think it is one of the best books this author has written.

Gone to Texas: A Desperate Journey by Debra Parmley Book Review


I received this book as a gift, and it has been sitting on my shelf for quite a while. I’ve wanted to read it for some time and I finally did.

This is not my normal genre, but I have to say … I really enjoyed reading about Sally and her venture to the State of Texas. The premise is Sally wakes up one morning to find her husband, Luke, and her son, Matthew, disappeared in the night. Sally is left with the farm and her daughter, Carolyn. Sally can’t read so when she finds a note left for her, she has someone read it to her. Back in 1867, the time of this tale, I suspect a lot of women can’t read so this detail added more to Sally’s character and story.

Enter Ozzie Moss, the man who led Sally and her family years ago on a different trail ride. By now, Ozzie is an old man, but he agrees, grumbling the whole time. I liked Ozzie’s character. He’s gruff and a bit weathered but a kind soul.

Enter Rob. Rob has his own story, a part of which is never falling for another woman. He’s only out to find Luke and pay him back for what he did years ago. He wasn’t expecting Sally, and Sally certainly wasn’t expecting Rob.

This is a modern-day take on a western, so if you like westerns, historical reads, a bit of a love story, second chances, some trials of what it was like back in 1867 getting from one place to another, I highly recommend you pick this one up. Again, this is not my usual genre to read, but I really enjoyed the storyline, the characters, the realness of the telling in this tale. Don’t let Sally fool you either, she’s tougher than you might think. I also liked finding out about Aunt Doe … there’s a story in itself there, which also involves Ozzie. I found this to be a really good story with quite a few colorful characters. Give it a read! I’m looking forward to the next two books in this series.

Gone to Texas: A Desperate Journey

The Secret Orphan by Glynis Peters Book Review


I am not a big history buff by any means. I decided to try this book as I was drawn to the cover and the title, wondered what it was all about. Didn’t even read the blurb, just took a chance.

I really enjoyed reading Elenor’s story. I liked the storyline that brought her to where she ended up. The premise is that her Aunt Maude requested (back in those times communication was by letter or telegram) her presence at her home in Coventry. Off Elenor went, glad to be rid of her brothers and how they treated her. That’s a story of its own.

Elenor found her place with Aunt Maude and was grateful for Maude taking her in, showing her things, letting her experience the better things in life.

Enter Jackson … a handsome fellow, a pilot.

Aunt Maude had some live-in help. Victoria and George, and their daughter Rose. Victoria and George make some good characters for this tale.

I liked reading about Elenor’s personal growth through these pages. She had to learn at a relatively early age how to take charge and manage a household, especially difficult being a woman, and a young one at that. She learned how to manage a farm as a part of her war efforts and the people whom she hired to help her. She learned how to handle people who came knocking on her door. For the time period, Elenor was a very strong woman and that is something I appreciated about reading this tale. It’s a tale of wartime, but also one of hope, one of compassion when it came to Rose and her truth, one of heartache and second chances. I would be very interested in reading more of this author’s work as she paints some colorful characters with stories to tell.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Diamond Cut by Thomas B. Cavanagh Blog Tour and Book Review


I received a gifted copy.

I’ve heard that the first sentence of a book is supposed to catch the reader’s attention. This one sure did, at least it did for me. This is the story of Sandy, formerly known in her previous life as Diamond. A life she escaped from six years ago.

I’ve found that I like strong female characters. Sandy definitely falls into that category, at least for me. She was in a really bad spot in her younger years and found her way out, not only because of a bad incident but because of her little boy. I also appreciated the fact that her brother never gave up on her no matter what bad choices she made in life.

A couple other characters who stood out to me were Father Frank and Ramona.

Of course, we have to have some bad dudes, because what story would be complete without them?

It was also quite interesting to me that this author was able to get into the mind of a female character. Sandy was scared at what she was finding out on this case she had undertaken, but she was also bullheaded enough to keep going until she had the answer, even if it meant putting everything she’d worked so hard to overcome in jeopardy. She was also able to maintain a sense of humor, which I found to be spot on. And the other women Sandy, Father Frank, and Ramona were trying to help? They add their own sense of internal strength to what happens on these pages. I have to wonder what Sandy will find herself mixed up in next.


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