Friday, May 10, 2024

Knife River by Baron Birtcher Blog Tour and Book Review


I received a gifted copy of this book.

This one got off to a slow start but then started building. We find Sheriff Ty Dawson pulled into a case involving a helicopter and an eagle. He finds himself learning about a music concert that will be happening on the outskirts of his small town located in Meriwether County, Oregon.

Jesse, his wife, is as strong as ever. Their daughter, Cricket, is a strong young lady, taking after her mother in more ways than one. I enjoy these two women characters – strong and independent in their own ways, and quietly supportive of the men in their lives.

What I was really intrigued with in this tale was the history that was pulled into the story. This series is set in the early 1970s, but pulling in the history of the town from the 1960s just added an extra something. I liked the darkness of the history, some very deeply guarded secrets that the current residents hesitated to talk about, as if the past would come back to haunt them.

There is much I liked about this tale – the slow build as the pages turned. Strong women characters. A dark past of the town colliding with the present events. Some of the verbiage made me chuckle. The consistency of the times, no cell phones, no internet searches, taking the reader back to simpler times. A bit of a western theme as Ty, at heart, is a rancher. And Caleb … he’s an old guy, but he adds a lot of character to the Ty Dawson series.


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