Sunday, May 26, 2024

Razor Thin by Amy Frances Book Review


I received a copy of this book as a gift.

Kate is quite an interesting character, and her relationships are even more so. Kate is dealing with quite a few different things which has put her … in a word … in a tailspin and she doesn’t really know what to do with her feelings. Kate is also a refreshing character in the realisticness (is that a word?) of bouncing from job to job, not being able to get it together enough to finish college, not knowing who to believe, and the list goes on with her flightiness.

She also has a really cool friend named Peaches. Peaches is very colorful … in personality and self.

Niall comes across as Kate’s ‘hero,’ for lack of a better word. Kate can also cook, so I really enjoyed one particular scene between Kate and Niall when Kate made him a cheeseburger, but it was no ordinary cheeseburger. Great imagery portrayed in that scene. There are also quite a few other scenes that made me chuckle, just in their descriptions.

For me, this was quite a long read at 489 pages. I kept turning the pages wanting to find out the truth that Kate was searching for. This story didn’t really come together for me until I was near the end when things were finally revealed. I had it all wrong. Then, I read, the back matter … now, I want to read the next book in this series, mostly because I’m curious and, even though this is not what I would call a typical mystery/thriller, I am intrigued with the writing style and the characters with their many different idiosyncrasies. I also learned a new word: Pulchritudinous.

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