Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Secondary Target by Angela Carlisle Blog Tour and Book Review


I received this book as a gift.

There is quite a lot going on in this tale. Wait until you meet Carina. She is a very strong young woman, having to deal with the grief of losing her mom and brother, her dad up and moving her from their home to Kincaid, a small town near Chicago. Fast forward twelve years.

In Kincaid, Carina and her dad thought things had settled down, though Carina still struggled with all the grief that had built up over the years and still had questions – the big one being: Why? Strange things begin to happen. A new neighbor. Bryce returns to town, unbeknownst to Carina, and his sister, Allye (also Carina’s best friend) says nothing. Carina also has a dog, Houston, and her own business. More strange things happen.

Allye – We all need a colorful best friend like Allye. Wait until you read the description of how colorful she is, not just in personality, but her clothes choices. You’ll see.

Bryce – He’s the kind of guy who just wants to protect Carina because his feelings for her never truly disintegrated.

Will – Carina’s dad. A PI by trade. Wait until you read about the mess he got involved with.

I like that Carina is a strong young lady, but she also struggles with her faith, which makes her relatable. I like that she is dealing with all these “normal” things that we deal with on a day-to-day basis, which makes her even more relatable. Bryce isn’t a character who shies away from his feelings for Carina, he went into protector mode, and held onto his own faith. And Allye, she’s a good sister and a good friend. I also enjoyed that there was a bit of darkness to this tale with the bad guy. I have to say I sure didn’t see that one happening. By the end of this tale, I was pretty invested in these characters, and it appears that there is more to their story. It will be interesting to see where this tale goes.


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