Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Only One Survives by Hannah Mary McKinnon Book Review and New Release


I received a gifted copy.

The premise of this tale is Vienna and Madison … their story is one of meeting and becoming best friends. Their friendship lasted even after they graduated from high school. They had each other’s backs. They even went on to form a duo – they called themselves EmVee. Their band grew into The Bittersweet, a quite appropriate name, until tragedy struck.

You’ll meet Isabel; Evelina and her sister, Gabi. You’ll meet Roger, the band’s agent. You’ll even meet Libby who traveled with the band as a documentarian. These folks make up such a vast rollcall of characters, each one bringing their own bit of personality to this tale. You’ll even meet Madison’s parents; they’re quite hoity-toity, but essential to this tale. And Guy … can’t forget Guy.

This is exactly the kind of book I enjoy reading for various reasons. Best friends who are like sisters until they’re not. Characters you want to root for but then not.

This is the kind of book that had me thinking – Oh, I know what’s going to happen. Nope – another plot twist. Then again – Oh, I know who did it. Nope – wrong again. I was kind of right about whodunit, but not the exact reasons.

If you’re looking for a tale that you can spend the day with, or maybe a weekend, be sure to pick this one up. I’m sure you’ll enjoy these characters as much as I did. Twisted, sometimes dark, a bit of a love interest which is always a nice touch. And those quiet background characters. I think this is this author’s best one yet!


Help me congratulate Hannah on her newest release! Here’s the blurb:

Becoming the star is easier when the rest of your band is dead…

All drummer Vienna Taylor ever wanted was to make music. If that came with fame, she’d take it—as long as her best friend, guitarist Madison Pierce, was sharing the spotlight and singing lead. And with their new all-female pop rock band gaining traction, soon everyone would hear their songs…

Except, on the way to an event, the Bittersweet’s van careens off an icy mountain road during a blizzard—leaving one member dead and another severely injured.

In order to survive the frigid night, the rest must take shelter in a nearby abandoned cabin. But Vienna’s dreams devolve into a terrifying nightmare as, one by one, her fellow band members meet a gruesome end…and Madison simply vanishes in the night.

Has Vienna’s closest friend finally decided to take center stage on her own terms?

She doesn’t want to believe it.

But guilty people run.

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