Monday, July 15, 2024

Show Game by Steve Anderson Blog Tour and Book Review


I received a gifted copy.

This is definitely a different take on your ‘average’ thriller/mystery. Plus, part of it is set in the city I grew up in Portland, Oregon, so mentions of different areas in Portland brought back some memories.

The premise of this story is ‘Alex’ is going after some bad folks, at least folks ‘Alex’ considers bad. The thing is, ‘Alex’ doesn’t want to hurt these folks, ‘Alex’ just wants them to make an admission and an apology. Basically – humiliation. Bringing forth the truth of what the bad guys did.

Enter news reporter Owen. Owen made a really big mistake in his career, one he’s trying to right, but when he gets assigned to this story, he has to rein himself in not to jump to conclusions … again. Then, of course, the paper he writes for is bought by Mason Snead who immediately wants to make changes and pulls Owen into his circle, for reasons Owen did not understand in the beginning. There’s more to Owen’s story.

Here's the thing … the reader will definitely be able to figure out the whodunnit in this tale, and I think that was the idea, it’s just the why that takes a while to get to and it is a really big WHY. Most intriguing is the lack of violence on the whodunnit’s part. I thought another character was somehow involved, but that turned out not to be the case.

If you like a tale that involves a vigilante who is trying to make folks take responsibility for what they did, a second-chance relationship, a mother trying to get her daughter back, and what I would consider some hometown justice, give this one a try. The classic good versus bad with a few twists thrown in.

I liked being able to connect to the City of Portland. I liked the struggle Owen had – between righting wrongs and siding with the whodunnit and not wanting to mess up again, and feeling he was wrong in what he came to believe. Mason Snead made for a pretty good character too along with his cohort, Viktoria. There’s a lot more to Viktoria’s story which was a twist I liked.


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