Friday, July 19, 2024

The Garden Girls by Jessica R. Patch Blog Tour and Book Review


I received a gifted copy.

I’m in trouble. I’m afraid I’ll have to add this author to my ever-growing go-to author list. I really enjoyed this darkly twisted tale of The Garden Girls. It hit pretty much all the ‘notes’ for me. Not to mention the very intriguing cover.

I had never heard of this author until I had the opportunity to read this tale and now I want to explore the rest of the Strange Crimes Unit series. I couldn’t even bring myself to read the back matter as that would only make me want to read the next book … now, and it’s not due out until 2025.

In The Garden Girls, you’ll find kidnapping, tattooing, grooming, lost relationships, rekindled relationships, close-knit friendships, and a group called Family of Glory.

Tiberius (Ty) is the main FBI agent in this tale and these ‘lighthouse crimes’ bring him face-to-face with his past, a past that he was ashamed of and had yet to face. Bexley (Bex) is a part of his past that he has to confront, which led him to Josiah. Not to mention his own messed-up childhood … the darkness that lurked there until he was able to see some light.

Ty’s best friend Owen. Owen was his ‘ride or die’ and he took that very seriously, they both did. I enjoyed the fact that both of these characters could call to mind a movie or a line in a song in the worst of circumstances; their personalities really shine through.

There are a lot of different characters in this tale, but that makes this story all the more intriguing. I also liked the fact that there is an underlying faith theme throughout these pages, not a lot, just enough to make Ty a more relatable character because one of the things he struggled with was the ability to believe in something higher than himself. There is also a vulnerability to some of these characters and yet an inner strength, especially concerning the women who were involved. And the bad guy? Yeah, that was a surprise. There are some nuggets interspersed leading readers down a couple of different paths, will they take the right turn in figuring out who it was? I sure didn’t.


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1 comment:

  1. Wow, great review! I do plan on reading this myself. It sounds so good. :-)
