Sunday, June 30, 2024

Black Widows by Cate Quinn Book Review


This is the kind of book I can sink my teeth into. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this from three POVs. Rachel the first wife, Emily a sister-wife, and Teresa a sister-wife. Blake the husband. These folks lived way out on the other side of nowhere … where supposedly no one could bother them as they didn’t live a lifestyle most folks agreed with.

Rachel – she is Blake’s first wife, trying to run away from a past that she can’t quite forget, thinking Blake would offer her something better.

Teresa – the wife Blake met in Las Vegas so she was street-smart. She also didn’t know what she was getting into when she met Blake.

Emily – the shy wife, the youngest wife.

There’s more to each of these women. They each have an inner strength that is unbelievably amazing, especially when faced with some pretty hard-hitting truths.

This tale can be rather dark at times, maybe even rather farfetched but I think that’s what I liked about it. Some truth with the plural wife lifestyle thrown in to give it just enough reality along with a whole lot of fiction thrown in because really … who can come up with these scenarios better than a writer?

What I really liked about this tale is the inner strength Rachel, Teresa, and Emily found within themselves. I liked the fact that there is some healing involved, some good coming out of a really bad situation involving some really bad characters, some deeper understanding of each of these women and their personal circumstances, learning to work together to be better and make something good happen.

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