Sunday, June 2, 2024

Look Closer by David Ellis Book Review


I’ve seen this book floating around on social media and, having never read this author’s work before, decided to give it a go.

I breezed through this bad boy in two days flat. Could’ve been one day, but …

This is a very twisted tale that involves Lauren, Conrad (though he is quite a superficial character), Vicky, Simon, Christian, Gavin, Jane (the police detective) and her partner, Andy. We have a diary, some text messages, and an event that happened on Halloween, because what better day could there be than the one where you can dress up and no one will recognize you or what you are up to?

This book is written in the present-day timeline which includes the investigation and the months leading up to the fateful day. This is a writing style that I tend to like to read. I liked the fact that my head was kind of spinning throughout the telling of this tale, thinking oh it’s … no, maybe not. I did begin to figure out the whodunnit, but not the reason behind it. This is rather a long tale at 448 pages, but I think it had to be so the ending was not rushed and the connections between all the whys could come together cohesively in the end. I would not hesitate to read more of this author’s work.

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